An annual herb, parasitic on the roots of grasses or similar plants which it renders tuberous, greenish-dusky or dusky when dried, scentless; stems erect, with long whitish pubescence, simple or branched below, striate, rigid, leafy, 4-14 inch high; leaves oval, ovate or lanceolate, obtuse, apiculate or the narrow ones subacute, somewhat narrowed at the sessile or subsessile sub-3-nerved base, scabrid-hispid at least on the margin and nerves beneath, entire or sparingly toothed, scattered or subopposite, 1/3-1 inch long, 1/8-1/2 inch broad, the lowest smaller and scale-like; flowers sub-sessile, numerous, or rather few, in the upper axils, orange-or golden-yellow,2/3-1 inch long; spikes dense, terminal, 1-3 inch long, 1-1 1/2 inch broad; bracts like the leaves or narrower, ciliate or hispid above; pedicels 1/8 inch long or less; calyx campanulate, shortly 5-cleft, angular, 10-nerved, delicately veined, 3/8-5/8 inch long, rather broad and loose, somewhat hispid outside, glabrous within, bibracteolate at the base; lobes triangular-ovate, acute or apiculate, ciliate, 1/6-1/4 inch long; bracteoles sublinear or narrowly spathulate, pilose on the back, ciliate, glabrous and shining within, about 1/4 inch long; corolla yellow, marked with purple or brown stripes, corrugated; tube glabrous, about as long as the calyx, subcylindrical below, funnel-shaped towards the throat; limb spreading, about 1 inch in diam.; lobes obovate, about 3/8-1/2 inch long, glabrous, clearly nerved and veined; stamens exserted or nearly so; 2 of the filaments densely bearded along one side; anthers glabrous, oblong-ovoid, obtuse, 1/12-1/10 inch long; style longer than the stamens, glabrous except the glandular apical part, bent over the anthers; capsule ovoid, about 1/3 inch long, glabrous.
Annual or perennial herb, parasite, 0.06-0.37 m high; stem erect, branched, leafy, with long whitish pubescence. Leaves 15 x 5 mm, sessile, ovate or lanceolate, entire, apex obtuse, narrowed at base. Inflorescence short, dense, terminal, subspicate; flowers yellow with reddish brown veins. Bracts leaf-like, ciliate. Calyx campanulate, bibracteolate; lobes acute or apiculate. Corolla yellow with dark stripes; tube funnel-shaped near throat; limb 5-lobed, spreading. Stamens exserted or nearly so; 2 filaments bearded; anthers oblong-ovoid; thecae obtuse or acute, apices apiculate. Ovary ± glabrous; style longer than stamens. Flowering time Oct.-Apr.
Annual or perennial, hemiparasitic herb, up to 0.35 m high. Stems erect, unbranched; stems and leaves whitish pubescent, bulbous hairs absent; leafy. Leaves sessile; blade ovate or narrowly ovate, margins entire. Flowers: subsessile in upper leaf axils; corolla up to 25 mm long, yellow or orange with brown lines; Nov.-Mar.
Annual, parasitic herb, up to 300 mm tall. Stems erect, whitish pubescent, leafy. Leaves oval, ovate or narrowly ovate. Flowers subsessile in upper axils, up to 25 mm long, yellow or orange with brown lines on petals.
Hemiparasitic perennial to 50 cm. Leaves overlapping, entire, ascending. Flowers crowded in dense, often subglobose spikes, yellow to orange, stamens nearly equal, filaments bearded.