Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets characteristically ovate-rhombic, the terminal ones usually rounded, lobed on each side at the base, the lateral leaflets with a lobe on the outer side only; stipules ovate, prominently nerved; stipels present, flat and spathulate.
Standard round, slightly emarginate with 2–4 callous appendages, auricled; wings with backwardly directed spur; keel rounded and not sharply angled in the middle, very obtuse at the apex.
Calyx tube cupular; lowest tooth and lateral teeth shortly triangular or ovate-triangular, the 2 upper teeth joined to form a notched lobe.
Inflorescences held erect, pseudoracemose, the branches reduced to small nodules; bracteoles small, soon falling.
Pollen grains triporate to tricolporate with only faint sculpturing.
Pods falcate, flat, dehiscent (not known mature in Africa).
Vexillary stamen loosely joined at the middle or ± free.
Procumbent herbs or twiners.