Leaves 3-foliolate; petiole 0·5–3·5 cm. long, appressed-or crisped-pubescent; terminal leaflet usually c. 1 1/2times as long as the lateral ones; petiolules up to 1 mm. long or leaflets subsessile; lamina of terminal leaflet 1–4·5 × 0·5–2·5 cm., papyraceous, shortly and sparsely appressed-or crisped-pubescent on the midrib and lateral nerves and with occasional tufts of hairs on the under surface of the axils of the latter, otherwise glabrous, lobed usually to about halfway to the midrib (at least in some leaves), lobes generally rounded but apex occasionally acute, base cuneate and often narrowed; lateral nerves 3–6 pairs.
Many-stemmed shrub, grey bark. Leaves with leaflets elliptic, discolorous, puberulent, margins serrate; petioles pubescent. Flowers simple, in lax panicles, yellow to green. Petals obovate. Ovary with 2-lobed style, 1 mm long. Flowering time all year. Fruit 3.5 mm in diam., globose.
Many-stemmed shrub or small tree, up to 4 m high. Leaves 3-foliolate, lamina of terminal leaflet 10-45 x 5-25 mm, margins of leaflets deeply lobed. Inflorescence 15-60 mm long, unbranched. Flowers white.
Dioecious shrub or small tree to 4 m, velvety on young parts. Leaves trifoliolate, discolorous, leaflets elliptic, crenate, vein axils furry beneath. Flowers in axillary spikes, white. Fruits globose.
Stamens with pilose filaments 2 mm. long; Staminodes with filaments 0·7 mm. long in female flowers.
Outer sepals 1·3 × 1·3 mm., subcircular, inner l·3 × 1 mm., elliptic, all glabrous or nearly so.
Flowers whitish, in few-flowered very shortly pedunculate cymules; pedicels up to 2 mm. long.
Many-stemmed shrub; branchlets silver-grey, appressed-pubescent when young, soon glabrescent.
Inflorescence 1·5–6 cm. long, unbranched, appressed-pubescent.
Fruit (not known from our area) 3·5 mm. in diam., globose.
Petals 1·2 × 1 mm., obovate.
Style 1 mm. long, 2-fid.
A small tree.