Allophylus L.

Allophylus (en)


Angiosperms > Sapindales > Sapindaceae


Shrubs, small trees, or sometimes woody climbers, monoecious or dioecious. Indumentum sometimes of stellate-fascicled hairs. Leaves digitate, (l-)3(-5)-foliolate. Inflorescences axillary, usually either simple or composed of a few long and slender, racemi-form thyrses, sometimes paniculate. Flowers unisexual, obliquely zygomorphic. Sepals 4, free, imbricate, outer 2 distinctly narrower than the inner ones. Petals 4, nail-shaped to spathulate, inside above the claw with a 2-lobed scale (much smaller than to nearly as big as the blade) which is usually bearded. Disc ± interrupted abaxially, mostly lobed or restricted to glands in front of the petals, in female flowers sometimes saucer-shaped. Stamens 8, rarely fewer, all with about the same length, exserted in male flowers; filaments mostly sparsely woolly in the lower part. Ovary deeply 2-(or 3-)lobed, 2-(or 3-) celled, 1 ovule per cell; style 1, inserted between the lobes, more or less deeply 2-(or 3-) branched, the branches exceptionally also forked at the apex. Fruits drupaceous, mostly consisting of 1 mericarp only, globular to obovoid, thin-walled, mostly almost glabrous when ripe. Seeds without aril.
Shrubs, rarely trees [rarely woody climbers], monoecious or dioecious. Leaves digitate, stipules absent; leaflets 1-5, petiolate or subsessile, usually serrate, sometimes entire. Thyrses axillary, racemose or compound racemose; bracts and bracteoles subulate or lanceolate, small. Flowers unisexual, zygomorphic, closed, small. Sepals 4, concurved, outer 2 elliptic, slightly smaller, inner 2 suborbicular. Petals 4, each 2 in a pair, adaxially with scales at base. Disk 4-sect, lobes glandlike, apex truncate or obtuse. Stamens (male flowers) 8, sometimes fewer, exserted; filaments free or connate below middle. Ovary (female flowers) 2(or 3)-partitioned, 2-loculed, lobes subglobose or obovate; ovules 1 per locule, inserted near base of middle axis; style basilar, entire or 2-or 3-lobed nearly to base; stigma recurved. Fruit parted into 2 or 3 schizocarps, often only 1 developed, berrylike, subglobose or obovoid, base with rudimentary style and small, globose, sterile schizocarp, exocarp fleshy, juicy, endocarp crustaceous. Seeds nearly same as schizocarp in shape; embryo arched, reflexed. 2n = 28.
Small trees or understory shrubs. Stipules wanting. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate or less often unifoliolate; petioles as long as the blade or shorter; leaflets entire or serrate. Inflorescence a racemiform or paniculate thyrse, with flowers in lateral cincinni. Flowers zygomorphic, functionally pistillate or staminate; calyx 4(5)-merous, with bilateral or dorsiventral-transverse symmetry; petals 4, auriculate or with a bifid appendage; disc unilateral, semi annular, 4-lobed or less often 2-lobed; stamens 8, the filaments unequal, connate at base, variously pubescent or glabrous; ovary 2(3)-carpellate, with a single ovule per carpel. Fruit of 1(-2) basally connate, monocarps (one of them usually much smaller or one or two carpels aborted or rudimentary), each monocarp late, irregularly dehiscent, with fleshy exocarp, and with a crustose or woody endocarp. Seeds exarillate, with papery testa.
Monoecious erect or scrambling shrubs. Branchlets with simple hairs and lenticels. Leaves trifoliolate, occasionally 1-or 5-foliolate; leaflets petiolulate to sessile, the lamina serrate to subentire, semicoriaceous, dotted. Inflorescence axillary, spike-like with scattered fascicles of flowers, rarely branched; bracts small. Flowers small, irregular, unisexual. Sepals 4, paired, broadly imbricate, outer pair smaller; elliptic or suborbicular, concave, membranous, gland-dotted. Petals 4, unilateral, spathulate, long-clawed; scales 2-lobed, pilose, crestless. Disc unilateral, 4-lobed or with 2–4 glands. Stamens 8, opposite disc; filaments filiform. Ovary deeply 2-or 3-lobed, segments 1-locular, 1-ovuled; style filiform; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit usually 1-lobed, drupaceous or nearly dry, indehiscent. Seed obovoid, exarillate.
Trees, shrubs or woody climbers, monoecious or dioecious. Leaves 1–3(–4)-foliolate, often minutely glandular beneath. Flowers small, slightly irregular, sessile or shortly pedicellate, in several-flowered cymules which are densely or more openly placed along simple raceme-like axes or branched axes thus appearing paniculate; cymules sessile or shortly stalked. Sepals 4, unequal, imbricate.. Petals 4, spathulate with internal ciliate scale.. Disk unilateral, 2–4-lobed. Stamens 8, placed to one side of the disk; reduced to staminodes in female flowers. Ovary 2–3-locular, deeply 2–3-lobed, the lobes subglobose, with 1 basal ovule in each; style semigynobasic, 2–3(–4)-fid. Fruit usually red, 1–2(–3)-lobed and seeded, drupe-like, the abortive lobes not persisting. Seeds straw-coloured, ellipsoid to globose, without an aril.
Polygamous shrubs or small trees. Leaves (1-)3(-5)-foliolate, petiolate, exstipulate; leaflets entire or serrate, often punctate or lineolate. Inflorescences axillary, racemiform or loosely paniculate. Flowers irregular, small, pedicellate, globose or often closed at anthesis; sepals 4, imbricate, in opposite pairs, the other two smaller, cucullate, membranous, glabrate or barbate within; petals 4, spat-ulate, the petal scale short, bifid or V-shaped; disc unilateral, lobate or with 4 obtuse glands; stamens 8, eccentric; ovary eccentric, usually of 2 cells, bilobed, the style 2-or 3-lobate, eccentric in fruit, the ovules solitary, ascending from the base of the cell. Fruit a single (rarely 2) obovoid-globular, indehiscent, dry or fleshy coccus; seed obovoid with a short aril.
Flowers monoecious (? rarely polygamo-dioecious) usually male and female in the same inflorescence (the female usually apparently hermaphrodite but the anthers sterile), small, greenish, white or yellowish.
Petals 4, clavate or spathulate with an emarginate apex, each with a usually (always in our species) hairy scale.
Stamens 8 (rarely fewer), slightly connate at the base, somewhat shorter in the female flowers (staminodes).
Seeds obovoid, without arillodes, usually (always in our species) glabrous.
Fruit drupaceous, of 2–3 cocci or frequently of 1 coccus by abortion.
Leaves (1) 3-foliolate, usually minutely glandular beneath.
Ovary deeply 2–3-lobed; loculi 1-ovulate; style 2–3-fid.
Inflorescence a racemoid or paniculate thyrse.
Sepals 4, the 2 outer ones larger, imbricate.
Disk unilateral, usually 4-lobed.
Trees or shrubs.
Life form -
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Allophylus unspecified picture


Allophylus world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000001292
INPN ID 445980
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Aporetica Azamara Allophylus Schmidelia Ornitrophe

Lower taxons

Allophylus chrysothrix Allophylus bongolavensis Allophylus brachypetalus Allophylus brachystachys Allophylus brevipetiolaris Allophylus bullatus Allophylus camptostachys Allophylus chartaceus Allophylus chaunostachys Allophylus chirindensis Allophylus congolanus Allophylus dodsonii Allophylus domingensis Allophylus elongatus Allophylus eustachys Allophylus grandiflorus Allophylus grandifolius Allophylus hamatus Allophylus mananarensis Allophylus mossambicensis Allophylus peduncularis Allophylus pilosus Allophylus pseudopaniculatus Allophylus punctatus Allophylus quercifolius Allophylus racemosus Allophylus repandodentatus Allophylus scrobiculatus Allophylus semidentatus Allophylus trichophyllus Allophylus amazonicus Allophylus bartlettii Allophylus betongensis Allophylus bicruris Allophylus hirsutus Allophylus hirtellus Allophylus holophyllus Allophylus hylophilus Allophylus hymenocalyx Allophylus imenoensis Allophylus incanus Allophylus katangensis Allophylus laetevirens Allophylus largifolius Allophylus le-testui Allophylus macrostachys Allophylus maestrensis Allophylus malvaceus Allophylus marquesensis Allophylus mayimbensis Allophylus megaphyllus Allophylus melliodorus Allophylus micrococcus Allophylus montanus Allophylus serratus Allophylus sootepensis Allophylus spectabilis Allophylus spicatus Allophylus stenodictyus Allophylus stenophyllus Allophylus strictus Allophylus subfalcatus Allophylus subincisodentatus Allophylus sumatranus Allophylus talbotii Allophylus tanzaniensis Allophylus torrei Allophylus triphyllus Allophylus umbrinus Allophylus unifoliolatus Allophylus vestitus Allophylus villosus Allophylus whitei Allophylus zenkeri Allophylus zeylanicus Allophylus ujori Allophylus abyssinicus Allophylus africanus Allophylus amboinensis Allophylus angustatus Allophylus acutatus Allophylus agbala Allophylus aldabricus Allophylus altescandens Allophylus amentaceus Allophylus amplissimus Allophylus antunesii Allophylus apiocarpus Allophylus borbonicus Allophylus brevipes Allophylus cobbe Allophylus cominia Allophylus camptoneurus Allophylus capillipes Allophylus caudatus Allophylus chlorocarpus Allophylus chrysoneurus Allophylus cinnamomeus Allophylus commersonii Allophylus coriaceus Allophylus decaryi Allophylus decipiens Allophylus dioicus Allophylus dregeanus Allophylus dummeri Allophylus crassinervis Allophylus crenatus Allophylus cristalensis Allophylus dasythyrsus Allophylus delicatulus Allophylus densiflorus Allophylus dimorphus Allophylus divaricatus Allophylus glabratus Allophylus excelsus Allophylus ferrugineus Allophylus fulvotomentosus Allophylus grossedentatus Allophylus guaraniticus Allophylus heterophyllus Allophylus floribundus Allophylus fuscus Allophylus gentryi Allophylus gossweileri Allophylus goudotii Allophylus granulatus Allophylus grotei Allophylus haitiensis Allophylus hallaei Allophylus hayatae Allophylus insignis Allophylus jamaicensis Allophylus javensis Allophylus laetus Allophylus laevigatus Allophylus lasiopus Allophylus lastoursvillensis Allophylus latifolius Allophylus laxiflorus Allophylus leptocladus Allophylus leptococcus Allophylus leptostachys Allophylus leucochrous Allophylus leucoclados Allophylus macrocarpus Allophylus mollis Allophylus leucophloeus Allophylus livescens Allophylus longicuneatus Allophylus longipes Allophylus longipetiolatus Allophylus lopezii Allophylus loretensis Allophylus macrodontus Allophylus myrianthus Allophylus natalensis Allophylus nigrescens Allophylus nitidulus Allophylus paniculatus Allophylus pauciflorus Allophylus multicostatus Allophylus ngounyensis Allophylus nigericus Allophylus obliquus Allophylus oyemensis Allophylus pachyphyllus Allophylus pallidus Allophylus persicifolius Allophylus peruvianus Allophylus pervillei Allophylus petelotii Allophylus petiolulatus Allophylus poungouensis Allophylus quinatus Allophylus rapensis Allophylus repandifolius Allophylus reticulatus Allophylus rheedei Allophylus rhodesicus Allophylus rhomboidalis Allophylus robustus Allophylus rutete Allophylus salignus Allophylus salinarius Allophylus samarensis Allophylus sapinii Allophylus scandens Allophylus sechellensis Allophylus setulosus Allophylus simplicifolius Allophylus timorensis Allophylus trichodesmus Allophylus exappendiculatus Allophylus samoritourei Allophylus bertoua Allophylus cazengoensis Allophylus concanicus Allophylus costatus Allophylus jejunus Allophylus longifolius Allophylus unifoliatus Allophylus arboreus Allophylus boinensis Allophylus bojerianus Allophylus rubifolius Allophylus conraui Allophylus parimensis Allophylus rigidus Allophylus viridis Allophylus edulis Allophylus psilospermus