Shrub or spreading tree 2.5–9 m. tall; branches glabrous, lenticellate; slash red-brown exuding off-white sap.. Leaves trifoliolate, drying bright green; petiole 4–14 cm. long; leaflets elliptic, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-obovate, 7.5–25 cm. long, 4–10.5 cm. wide, acuminate at the apex, cuneate at the base, entire or remotely coarsely serrate, thin to slightly thick, glabrous or with indistinct hairy domatia in nerve-axils beneath; lateral nerves in 5–12 pairs, venation fine and closely reticulate, raised on both sides.. Inflorescence rather robust, 6–24.5 cm. long, including peduncles 5–8.5 cm. long, with 3–4 main branches; axes with short ferruginous pubescence, cymules 3–6-flowered, mostly densely placed.. Flowers cream, white or greenish; calyx sparsely pubescent; outer sepals round, 1 mm. diameter; inner oblate, 2 mm. long and wide; petals spathulate, 2 mm. long, 0.8 mm. wide, ciliate.. Fruits orange-yellow to red-brown, globose, ± 6 mm. diameter, with very sparse adpressed hairs or glabrous.