Trees to ca. 10 m tall; stems terete, prominently lenticellate, glabrous. Leaves 3-foliolate, 3-20 cm long; petiole obscurely sulcate, 1.5-2.8 cm long; petiolules 6-13 mm long, flattened on the upper surface with marginal ribs; leaflets oblong-elliptic, gradually acuminate, acute to attenuate at base, 8-18.5 cm long, 2.5-7 cm wide, glabrous or with some pubescence on the midrib and with occasional short tufts in the vein axils beneath, drying brown, the nerves 7-12 pairs, arcuate-ascending and extending to the margin, the margin thickened, minutely revolute. Inflorescences paniculate from the upper leaf axils, to ca. 12 cm long; rachis weakly tomentose; pedicels to 2 mm long (to 3 mm long in fruit ), glabrate, articulate near the base. Flowers with sepals orbicular, ca. 1.5 mm long, appressed-puberulent on both surfaces especially within near the base; petals not seen; disc villous, the glands prominent, flattened laterally, sparsely pubescent; bisexual flowers with the ovary and style together 1.5 mm long, the stamens 1 mm long, densely villous to the middle, the ovary 2-lobed, weakly pubescent, the style branched in upper '/2-1/3, the stigmas 2; staminate flowers not seen. Fruits composed of 1 or frequently 2 cocci, each obovoid, rounded at the apex, abruptly tapered to the base, 10-14 mm long, 6-9 mm wide, the pericarp thick, glabrous, drying brown, with longitudinally oriented sculpturing.