Subshrubs about 1/3 m tall, the stem erect, simple, terete, glabrous to gla-brescent, the leaves crowded toward the apex. Leaves sessile or subsessile, ob-long, 4.5-16 cm long, 1.8-8 cm wide, deltoid or obtuse at the apex, cuneate or attenuate-acute at the base, the costa slender, prominulous above or subsulcate, subprominent beneath, the lateral veins ca. 14, arcuate, forming an undulate vein beneath the margin, the pair of lateral veins including 1-2 subparallel veins, stiffly membranaceous, glabrous above, the raphides numerous, white, puberulent on the costa and veins; stipules free, puberulent, the body 2 mm long, thin, provided with glandular fimbriate structures within, with 6-8 linear setas, 0.4-0.6 mm long. Inflorescences to 4 cm long, the cymes sometimes on reduced branches. Flowers with the hypanthium narrow oblong, to 4 mm long, glabrous, the lobes of the calyx, elliptic-spathulate or narrowly obovate oblong, to 11 mm long, 2-4 mm wide, the blade 5.5-6.5 mm long, foliose, often 5-veined, acute, puberulent, the claw rigid puberulent, often longer than the blade, scarcely alate; corolla white, with the tube narrowly cylindrical, to 3 cm long, 2 mm wide, glabrous, the lobes 5, lanceolate, to 6 mm long, acute; stamens 4, the anthers oblong rotund, the acumen ca. 0.4 mm long; stigmas 2, subulate, ca. 2.5 mm long. Fruits subsessile or on thick pedicels, puberulent, these provided with a stipuloid brac-teole toward the apex, this with 5 setas, linear subulate, to 8 mm long, narrowly oblong, to 1.5 cm long, 0.4 cm wide, 6-angled, lignose, drying black, with 8 slender ribs.