Stem 0.4-3 m, 4-5 mm in diam., internodes 1.5-3 cm, rooting. Petiole 11-17 cm, narrowly sheathing; sheaths ca. 2/3 as long as petiole, 5-7 mm wide; leaf blade broadly oblong, 25-33 × 10.5-14 cm, base acute, apex cuspidate-acuminate; lateral veins ca. 12 on each side, strong, spreading, and arched. Inflorescences axillary, without bractlike reduced leaves; peduncle ca. 25 cm. Spathe initially fusiform and at last spreading, lanceolate, 5-6 cm, base angustate, apex acuminate. Spadix cylindric, 3-5.8 cm (Yunnan specimens); stipe to 2 cm. Flowers very closed; perigone annular, ca. 1/2 as high as ovary. Stamens 4; anthers base divaricate, apex dehiscent. Ovary obovoid, apex ca. 3 mm in diam.; stigma transversely linear. Berry yellow-green, drying blackened, ovoid, ca. 10 mm, apex truncate. Fl. Apr-May.