Trees. Leaves imparipinnate, rarely (not in Africa) 3-foliolate; stipules variously developed; stipels setaceous or (outside Africa) sometimes lacking; leaflets opposite or (in America) ? rarely alternate. Flowers in terminal and sometimes axillary panicles; bracts and bracteoles usually small and caducous. Calyx campanulate, shortly toothed, the upper lobes united almost to the tips, or subtruncate. Corolla much exceeding calyx, usually pink to purplish, usually glabrous; standard usually suborbicular and without appendages or auricles; wings free from keel; keel-petals overlapping on lower side, not coherent. Vexillary stamen usually free, rarely (not in Africa) connate with the others; anthers dorsifixed. Ovary usually stipitate, few-ovulate; style slender, incurved; stigma small, terminal. Fruit indehiscent, ovoid to obovoid, hard, ± woody. Seed solitary, ± ellipsoid or ovoid; hilum small.