Densely tufted perennial resembling A. leucostachysus; culms erect, 45-100 cm. high, solitary or few in each tuft, glabrous; sheaths compressed, keeled, gla-brous; ligule 0.5 mm. long; blades conduplicate, becoming flat, 3-5 mm. wide, those of the culm 5-8 cm. long, the uppermost much reduced or wanting, those of the innovations sometimes as much as 20 cm. long; flowering branches long and slender, solitary from the middle and upper sheaths, unbranched; racemes 3-5, exserted from the long and narrow but inconspicuous spathes, densely villous with tawny hairs more than 10 mm. long; sessile spikelet 3-4 mm. long, awnless, glabrous; pedicellate spikelet wanting.