Poaceae Barnhart


Angiosperms > Poales


Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs or trees, sometimes with rhizomes or stolons; stems erect, ascending or creeping, usually branched at the base, in perennials with sterile shoots and flowering stems (culms) mixed, in annuals only the latter present; culms cylindrical, rarely flattened, jointed, usually hollow in the internodes, closed at the nodes; branches subtended by a leaf, and with a 2-keeled hyaline leaflet (prophyll) at the base. Leaves solitary at the nodes, sometimes crowded at the base of the stem, alternate and 2-rowed, consisting of sheath, ligule and blade (fig. 1, p. 3); sheaths encircling the culm, with the margins free and overlapping or ± connate, frequently swollen at the base, the shoulders sometimes extended upwards into triangular auricles; ligule adaxial, placed at the junction of sheath and blade, membranous or reduced to a fringe of hairs, rarely absent (very rarely with a similar abaxial structure—the external ligule); blades usually long and narrow, rarely broad, flat or sometimes rolled or terete, parallel-nerved, rarely with transverse connections, usually passing gradually into the sheath, sometimes amplexicaul or with falcate auricles, rarely narrowed into a false petiole or articulated with the sheath. Inflorescences made up of spikelets arranged in a panicle, or in spikes or racemes, these either solitary, digitate, or disposed along a central axis, usually terminal, sometimes (especially in Andropogoneae) numerous, each inflorescence being subtended by a bladeless sheath (spatheole) and the whole flowering branch system condensed into a leafy false panicle. Spikelets (fig. 1) consisting of bracts distichously arranged along a slender axis (rhachilla); the 2 lower bracts (glumes) empty; the succeeding 1 to many bracts (lemmas) each enclosing a flower and opposed by a hyaline scale (palea), the whole (lemma, palea and flower) termed a floret; base of spikelet or floret sometimes with a horny prolongation downwards (callus); glumes or lemmas often bearing 1 or more stiff bristles (awns); this basic pattern of spikelet structure consistent throughout the family, though often much modified by reduction, suppression or elaboration of parts. Flowers usually hermaphrodite, sometimes unisexual, small and inconspicuous; perianth represented by 2, rarely 3, minute hyaline or fleshy scales (lodicules); stamens hypogynous, 1–6, rarely more, usually 3, with delicate filaments and 2-thecous anthers opening by a longitudinal slit or rarely a terminal pore; ovary 1-locular, with 1 anatropous ovule often adnate to the adaxial side of the carpel; styles usually 2, rarely 1 or 3, generally with plumose stigmas. Fruit mostly a caryopsis with thin pericarp adnate to the seed, rarely with free seed, still more rarely a nut or berry; caryopsis commonly combined with various parts of the spikelet, or less often the inflorescence, to form a false fruit; seed with starchy endosperm, an embryo at the base of the abaxial face, and a point or line (hilum) on the base or adaxial face marking the connection between pericarp and seed
Annual or perennial herbs, or tall woody bamboos. Flowering stems (culms) jointed, internodes hollow or solid; branches arising singly from nodes and subtended by a leaf sheath and 2-keeled prophyll, often fascicled in bamboos. Leaves arranged alternately in 2 ranks, differentiated into sheath, blade, and an adaxial erect appendage at sheath/blade junction (ligule); leaf sheath surrounding and supporting culm-internode, split to base or infrequently tubular with partially or completely fused margins, modified with reduced blade in bamboos (culm sheaths); leaf blades divergent, usually long, narrow and flat, but varying from inrolled and filiform to ovate, veins parallel, sometimes with cross-connecting veinlets (especially in bamboos); ligule membranous or a line of hairs. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, an open, contracted, or spikelike panicle, or composed of lax to spikelike racemes arranged along an elongate central axis, or digitate, paired, or occasionally solitary; axillary inflorescences often many, subtended by spatheoles (specialized bladeless leaf sheaths) and gathered into a leafy compound panicle; spikelets often aggregated into complex clusters in bamboos. Spikelets composed of distichous bracts arranged along a slender axis (rachilla); typically 2 lowest bracts (glumes) empty, subtending 1 to many florets; glumes often poorly differentiated from accompanying bracts in bamboos. Florets composed of 2 opposing bracts enclosing a single small flower, outer bract (lemma) clasping the more delicate, usually 2-keeled inner bract (palea); base of floret often with thickened prolongation articulated with rachilla (callus); lemma often with apical or dorsal bristle (awn), glumes also sometimes awned. Flowers bisexual or unisexual; lodicules (small scales representing perianth) 2, rarely 3 or absent, 3 to many in bamboos, hyaline or fleshy; stamens 3 rarely 1, 2, 6, or more in some bamboos, hypogynous, filaments capillary, anthers versatile; ovary 1-celled, styles (1 or)2(rarely 3), free or united at base, topped by feathery stigmas, exserted from sides or apex of floret. Fruit normally a dry indehiscent caryopsis with thin pericarp firmly adherent to seed, pericarp rarely free, fleshy in some bamboos; embryo small or large; hilum punctate to linear.
Annual or perennial herbs, occasionally shrubs (giant herbs or bamboos), tufted or creeping, sometimes with stolons or rhizomes, usually terrestrial, rarely aquatic. Leaves alternate, distichous (spirally arranged in Micraira), with base completely encircling the node; basal portion a sheath clasping the stem, with margins sometimes extended at the top to form 2 auricles; blade usually linear and tapering, sometimes lanceolate, usually ± flat, occasionally rolled or terete, with parallel veins, generally without a distinct midrib; junction of sheath and blade usually with an adaxial membranous or hairy ligule. Inflorescence a panicle, raceme or spike, or a digitate cluster of racemes or spikes. Basic unit of the inflorescence a spikelet, either sessile or pedicellate and comprising a central axis (rachilla) bearing, alternately in 2 rows: 2 (very rarely 3, 1 or 0) sterile glumes and 1 or more florets, and disarticulating at maturity above and/or below the glumes and often also between the florets. Floret (when complete) comprising a lemma (lower bract), a palea (upper bract) and (between lemma and palea) a flower. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, often both in the same spikelet. Perianth represented by 2 (occasionally 3) minute, membranous or fleshy lodicules. Stamens usually 3; filaments long, slender; anthers 2-celled, versatile. Gynoecium: ovary 1-locular, with 1 anatropous ovule; styles usually 2, rarely 1 or 3; stigmas usually plumose. Fruit a caryopsis (grain) or, very rarely, the pericarp free from the seed. Endosperm starchy.
Leaves solitary at the nodes, sometimes crowded at the base of the stem, alternate and 2-rowed, consisting of sheath, ligule and blade; sheaths encircling the culm, with the margins free and overlapping or ± connate, frequently swollen at the base, the shoulders sometimes extended upwards into triangular auricles; ligule adaxial, placed at the junction of sheath and blade, membranous or reduced to a fringe of hairs, rarely absent (very rarely with a similar abaxial structure—the external ligule); blades usually long and narrow, rarely broad, flat or sometimes rolled or terete, parallel-nerved, rarely with transverse connections, usually passing gradually into the sheath, sometimes amplexicaul or with falcate auricles, rarely narrowed into a false petiole or articulated with the sheath
Spikelets (see pl. tab. 1) usually consisting of 2 (rarely more) glumes and 1 to several lemmas distichously arranged along a rhachilla; each lemma is opposed by a usually thinly membranous palea; enclosed between lemma and palea is the flower (the entire unit is termed a floret); glumes and/or lemmas often awned; florets, and sometimes the entire spikelet, with a basal indurated callus which is either blunt or acute; flower usually hermaphrodite, sometimes unisexual, rather small, consisting of 2-3 minute lodicules (representing the perianth) stamens and ovary; stamens hypogynous, usually 3, sometimes less, rarely 6 or more, with the 2-thecous anthers either opening lengthwise or with a terminal pore; ovary 1-locular; styles 2, rarely 1 or 3; stigmas usually plumose
Spikelets consisting of bracts distichously arranged along a slender axis (rhachilla); the two lower bracts (glumes) empty; the succeeding 1 to many bracts (lemmas) each enclosing a flower and opposed by a hyaline scale (palea), the whole (lemma, palea and flower) termed a floret; base of spikelet or floret sometimes with a horny prolongation downwards (callus); glumes or lemmas often bearing 1 or more stiff bristles (awns); this basic pattern of spikelet structure consistent throughout the family, though often much modified by reduction, suppression or elaboration of parts
Flowers usually bisexual, sometimes unisexual, small and inconspicuous; perianth represented by 2, rarely 3, minute hyaline or fleshy scales (lodicules); stamens hypogynous, 1–6, rarely more, usually 3, with delicate filaments and 2-thecous anthers opening by a longitudinal slit or rarely a terminal pore; ovary 1-locular, with 1 anatropous ovule often adnate to the adaxial side of the carpel; styles usually 2, rarely 1 or 3, generally with plumose stigmas
Inflorescence usually terminal on the culms, rarely axillary, consisting of numerous spikelets arranged in spikes, or in racemes or in a panicle; the spikes or racemes either solitary or more often arranged along a common axis, sometimes digitate, often (Andropogoneae) subtended by a spatheole (sheath without lamina) and often branched, thus forming a complicated pseudo-panicle in which frequently a sessile spikelet is paired with a pedicelled one
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs or trees, sometimes with rhizomes or stolons; stems erect, ascending or creeping, usually branched at the base, in perennials with sterile shoots and flowering stems (culms) mixed, in annuals only the latter present; culms cylindrical, rarely flattened, jointed, usually hollow in the internodes, closed at the nodes; branches subtended by a leaf, and with a 2-keeled hyaline leaflet (prophyll) at the base
Fruit mostly a caryopsis with thin pericarp adnate to the seed, rarely with free seed, still more rarely a nut or berry; caryopsis commonly combined with various parts of the spikelet, or less often the inflorescence, to form a false fruit; seed with starchy endosperm, an embryo at the base of the abaxial face, and a point or line (hilum) on the base or adaxial face marking the connection between pericarp and seed
Leaf-laminae usually linear or linear-lanceolate, more rarely ovate or oblong, rather narrow, generally parallel-nerved but in a few instances tessellate, expanded, plicate, or sometimes rolled, thus appearing to be terete, often filiform, rarely amplexicaul or with a sagittate base, occasionally with the very base contracted into a pseudo-petiole, very rarely articulated with the sheath
Inflorescence made up of spikelets arranged in a panicle, or in spikes or racemes, these either solitary, digitate, or disposed along a central axis; usually terminal, sometimes (especially in Andro-pogoneae) numerous, each inflorescence being subtended by a bladeless sheath (spatheole) and the whole flowering branch system condensed into a leafy false panicle
Culms usually cylindrical, very seldom compressed, jointed with the nodes solid, the internodes hollow or sometimes solid, erect, ascending or prostrate, sometimes rooting at the nodes, branched or simple; branches at the base with a hyaline 2-keeled prophyll
Leaf-sheaths clasping the culm, usually rather tight, ribbed or smooth, with the margins free or connate to a varying degree and often overlapping, often with a pair of auricles on either side of the mouth
Ligule situated transversely at the junction of sheath and lamina, adaxial, membranous or chartaceous, often reduced to a hairy rim, rarely completely absent in some genera
Leaves solitary, alternate in 2 ranks, all crowded around the base of the stem or/and spaced along the culm, in most cases consisting of sheath, ligule and lamina (tab. 1)
Mostly annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs or trees (Bambuseae), often with rhizomes, sometimes stoloniferous
Fruit 1-seeded, usually a caryopsis, with the pericarp adnate to the seed or sometimes free (rarely fleshy)
Life form
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 7-11


The family contains the grasses, reeds and bamboos. The Poaceae provide the world's three major grain crops (Rice, Wheat and Maize) and the basis of the diet of many domestic livestock and wild herbivore species. For details on economic uses see Lazarides (2002) and references therein.
Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Poaceae unspecified picture
Poaceae unspecified picture


Poaceae world distribution map, present in Australia and China


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30000032-2
WFO ID wfo-7000000483
BDTFX ID 100898
INPN ID 187444
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Tricholaena Afrotrichloris Alvimia Anomochloa Apochloa Apoclada Arundo Avenula Bellardiochloa Bewsia Blepharidachne Bromofestuca Bromuniola Bromus Calamovilfa Catalepis Chasechloa Chasmopodium Chlorocalymma Cornucopiae Cynodon Cynosurus Danthoniopsis Danthosieglingia Dregeochloa Dupontopoa Eleusine Erianthus Greslania Habrochloa Hitchcockella Holttumochloa Indocalamus Indopoa Indosasa Kaokochloa Lamprothyrsus Lasiurus Lithachne Littledalea Lygeum Merostachys Mibora Microlaena Mnesithea Mniochloa Mosdenia Mullerochloa Narduroides Nardus Neurachne Oreochloa Orinus Oryzopsis Pappophorum Pappostipa Paracolpodium Parvotrisetum Pentameris Phippsia Pleuropogon Prosphytochloa Pseudoroegneria Pseudosclerochloa Puelia Rhipidocladum Sasa Saxipoa Schizostachyum Sclerochloa Scleropogon Secale Sinobambusa Sinochasea Spodiopogon Stenotaphrum Stephanachne Steyermarkochloa Stiburus Streptochaeta Streptogyna Streptolophus Streptostachys Swallenia Tatianyx Tetrarrhena Thinopyrum Thyridolepis Trichoneura Trilobachne Triodia Tripsacum Trisetaria Trisetokoeleria Tuctoria Uranthoecium Vulpia Vulpiella Weingaertneria Zonotriche Hsuehochloa Annamocalamus Didymogonyx Dupontiopsis Kalinia Kuruna Oldeania Tridentopsis Trisetopsis Veldkampia Zaqiqah Micrachne Trigonochloa Heteranthelium Altoparadisium Andropterum Chevalierella Cladoraphis Clausospicula Cymbachne Dactyloctenium Drake-brockmania Elymordeum Elymostachys Elymotrigia Eremopoa Eremopyrum Erioneuron Gossweilerochloa Halopyrum Himalayacalamus Hydrothauma Hygrochloa Hystrix Keratochlaena Loxodera Leptothrium Lepturidium Lepturus Leucopoa Loudetia Louisiella Melica Micraira Monodia Moorochloa Muhlenbergia Nassella Neostapfia Nicoraepoa Parapholis Patis Periballia Plagiosetum Pleioblastus Pogonarthria Pogonatherum Pogonochloa Pseudochaetochloa Pseudopogonatherum Psilathera Psilolemma Psilurus Ptilagrostis Racemobambos Ratzeburgia Relchela Richardsiella elffers & kenn.-o'byrne Semiarundinaria Silentvalleya Sirochloa Snowdenia Spartina Catapodium Chrysopogon Thyrsostachys Thysanolaena Trachypogon Tragus Trichloris Tripidium Triplasis Triraphis Triscenia Trisetum Tristachya Uniola Micropyrum Willkommia Yakirra Zea Zenkeria Zeugites Lasiacis Agropyron Ammophila Chloris Achnatherum Distichlis Sorghum Taeniatherum Torreyochloa Scribneria Avenella Dichanthelium Sesleria Elymus Bothriochloa Chimonobambusa Scolochloa Polytrias Gynerium Tripogon Ischaemum Cinna Phleum Gigantochloa Cortaderia Dichanthium Aegilops Oxytenanthera Psathyrostachys Aegopogon Kampochloa Leymostachys Piptochaetium Psammochloa Urochloa Leymotrigia Streblochaete Hygroryza Hyperthelia Limnas Limnopoa Lycurus Molineriella Moliniopsis Nematopoa Neohouzeaua Oncorachis Oplismenopsis Oreopoa Oropetium Orthoclada Patzkea Peridictyon Peyritschia Phaenosperma Pharus Piptophyllum Plinthanthesis Rottboellia Thyridachne Zizaniopsis Nianhochloa Oedochloa Paspalidium Panicum Setaria Leptochloa Danthonia Sacciolepis Microstegium Paraneurachne Piresia Potamophila Pseudanthistiria Pseudostachyum Raddiella Sarocalamus Sartidia Xerochloa Stipellula Aciachne Acrachne Agrositanion Agrostis Agrotrigia Airopsis Alexfloydia Ammocalamagrostis Ammochloa Ampelodesmos Amphibromus Anthaenantiopsis Anthosachne Antinoria Arrhenatherum Australopyrum Austrostipa Brachychloa Castellia Catabrosa Ceratochloa Chamaeraphis Chimaerochloa Chionochloa Chusquea Ctenium Cynochloris Cyphonanthus Cyrtochloa Cyrtococcum Dactylis Desmazeria Deyeuxia Dichaetaria Diheteropogon Diplachne Echinaria Ectrosia Ehrharta Ellisochloa Eremochloa Eriochrysis Eriocoma Festuca Festucopsis Froesiochloa Gastridium Glyceria Gymnopogon Hainardiopholis Harpochloa Helictotrichon Holcus Homopholis Homozeugos Hordelymus Hordeum Hubbardia Hyalopoa Hylebates Hymenachne Hyparrhenia Ixophorus Jansenella Kerriochloa Koordersiochloa Lagurus Lamarckia Leptaspis Leptocarydion Leydeum Leymus Lindbergella Loliolum Lolium Macrochloa Maltebrunia Megaloprotachne Megathyrsus Melanocenchris Melocalamus Melocanna Merxmuellera Microcalamus Miscanthus Molinia Moulinsia Nastus Nephelochloa Notochloe Ophiuros Opizia Oplismenus Orcuttia Oryza Oryzidium Otachyrium Otatea Ottochloa Pappagrostis Parahyparrhenia Paratheria Pennisetum Phacelurus Phalaris Pheidochloa Pholiurus Phyllostachys Piptatheropsis Piptatherum Piresiella Poecilostachys Polypogonagrostis Polytoca Pommereulla Pringleochloa Prionanthium Pseudobambusa Pseudodichanthium Pseudozoysia Puccinellia Pucciphippsia Rehia Reimarochloa Rheochloa Rhynchoryza Rostraria Rupichloa Schismus Schizachne Schizachyrium Schoenefeldia Sehima Sohnsia Sphaerocaryum Spheneria Sphenopus Stephostachys Stipagrostis Stipidium Stiporyzopsis Sucrea Suddia Sylvipoa Symplectrodia Thamnocalamus Themeda Thuarea Tridens Triticale Triticosecale Triticum Trititrigia Urochondra Valiha Vaseyochloa Ventenata Vietnamochloa Zingeria Zizania Zoysia Kellochloa Bergbambos Mayariochloa Orthacanthus Buergersiochloa Reitzia Parianella Paractaenum Anadelphia Anisopogon Anthochloa Austroderia Arctagrostis Arthrostylidium Arundinella Arundoclaytonia Austrochloris Avellinia Cathestecum Chaetium Chaetobromus Chimonocalamus Chionachne Chloothamnus Coleataenia Corynephorus Craspedorhachis Crithopsis Crypsis Cutandia Danthoniastrum Danthonidium Dasypyrum Dichelachne Dilophotriche Echinolaena Echinopogon Entolasia Entoplocamia Eragrostiella Eragrostis Eulaliopsis Gaudinopsis Gerritea Hackelochloa Haynaldoticum Hemisorghum Hickelia Simplicia Temburongia Cyperochloa Walwhalleya Stapfochloa Stapletonia Steinchisma Stereochlaena Thedachloa Tibisia Tzveleviochloa Widjajachloa Ortachne Orthoraphium Oxyrhachis Parodiophyllochloa Phaenanthoecium Phuphanochloa Plagiantha Pogononeura Pseudopentameris Pseudosorghum Pseudoxytenanthera Renvoizea Luziola Acidosasa Acritochaete Lophacme Lophopogon Loudetiopsis Lycochloa Actinocladum Agenium Agrostopoa Hopia Maclurochloa Maclurolyra Alloteropsis Ampelocalamus Disakisperma Drepanostachyum Dupontia Ekmanochloa Elytrostachys Eremocaulon Filgueirasia Fimbribambusa Gaoligongshania Gelidocalamus Geochloa Glaziophyton Ancistragrostis Anthephora Cambajuva Apocopis Cinnagrostis Elyleymus Anthenantia Chondrosum Austrofestuca Gaudinia Milium Pentaschistis Roegneria Drymochloa Kengyilia Eustachys Elionurus Melinis Acostia Acroceras Alopecurus Amphicarpum Amphipogon Ancistrachne Andropogon Arctophila Bhidea Catabrosella Chaetopoa Chandrasekharania Chikusichloa Coelachne Coelorachis Coix Crinipes Cryptochloa Cymbopogon Cyphochlaena Decaryella Decaryochloa Dissanthelium Dissochondrus Elymandra Elytrigia Elytrophorus Ferrocalamus Graphephorum Hainardia Helictochloa Hilaria Ichnanthus Kinabaluchloa Lepturopetium Olmeca Olyra Paspalum Pentapogon Perrierbambus Pseudophleum Reynaudia Stipa Temochloa Triniochloa Wangenheimia Whiteochloa Aeluropus Apera Apluda Apochiton Aristida Arctopoa Astrebla Bambusa Bouteloua Brachyelytrum Calamagrostis Capillipedium Celtica Cephalostachyum Dendrocalamus Deschampsia Desmostachya Dignathia Dryopoa Eriachne Fingerhuthia Garnotia Guadua Hakonechloa Henrardia Koeleria Neyraudia Odyssea Oreobambos Aegilotriticum Agroelymus Agrohordeum Agropogon Allolepis Aniselytron Arthropogon Aulonemia Beckmannia Boissiera Brylkinia Calammophila Calyptochloa Chaetopogon Chasmanthium Coleanthus Colpodium Cottea Diarrhena Diectomis Dimeria Dupoa Duthiea Eccoptocarpha Elyhordeum Farrago x Gigantocalamus Glyphochloa Guaduella Harpachne Limnodea Manisuris Megastachya Microchloa Miscanthidium Myriostachya Neuropoa Oryticum Parafestuca Phyllorachis Phyllosasa Poagrostis Pohlidium Polevansia Pseudechinolaena Pseudoraphis Pseudosasa Sinoarundinaria Soejatmia Spathia Sphaerobambos Sphenopholis Steirachne Tenaxia Tetrapogon Thelepogon Trachys Tricholemma Vahlodea Viguierella Yvesia Zotovia Zygochloa Adenochloa Trisetopsotrichon Hierochloe Leersia Euchlaena Shibataea Lachnagrostis Raddia Thaumastochloa Festulolium Festulpia Jouvea Leptagrostis Munroa Munrochloa Neosinocalamus Oxychloris Pentarrhaphis Psammagrostis Sesleriella Setariopsis Triplachne Ruhooglandia Yersinochloa Monelytrum Rhytachne Saugetia Schedonorus Sclerodactylon Scrotochloa Scutachne Spartochloa Spinifex Taeniorhachis Tarigidia Tetrachaete Tetrachne Thrasya Timouria Urelytrum Yushania Triplasiella Tripogonella Chascolytrum Cleistogenes Tribolium Rytidosperma Sokinochloa Morronea Aakia Osvaldoa Ochthochloa Pinga Rugoloa Cleistochloa Neesiochloa Anemanthele Eremitis Podophorus Hookerochloa Holcolemma Homolepis Humbertochloa Hypseochloa Imperata Lecomtella Lophatherum Mesosetum Neololeba Neomicrocalamus Ocellochloa Ochlandra Oligostachyum Pariana Parodiolyra Pogonachne Rhizocephalus Sasaella Sasamorpha Trichanthecium Triplopogon Vietnamocalamus Vietnamosasa Zuloagaea Pratochloa Cochinchinochloa Nanooravia Capeochloa Athroostachys Atractantha Megalachne Metcalfia Neobouteloua Bashania Canastra Stenostachys Agnesia Agropyropsis Iseilema Heterachne Heteranthoecia Monachather Myriocladus Pereilema Perotis Bonia Eulalia Lintonia Monocymbium Parabambusa Colanthelia Schenckochloa Diandrolyra Pseudodanthonia Anatherostipa Arberella Asthenochloa Baptorhachis Dinochloa Elysitanion Davidsea Arctodupontia Arthragrostis Germainia Gouinia Neostapfiella Aphanelytrum Cathariostachys Centotheca Cleistachne Cyathopus Daknopholis Exotheca Fargesia Coelachyrum Aira Alloeochaete Anthoxanthum Arthraxon Arundinaria Avena Axonopus Brachiaria Brachyachne Brachypodium Briza Cenchrus Centropodia Chrysochloa Digitaria Dinebra Echinochloa Enneapogon Enteropogon Eriochloa Euclasta Gilgiochloa Hemarthria Heteropholis Heteropogon Hubbardochloa Isachne Phragmites Poa Polypogon Pseudobromus Saccharum Schmidtia Sorghastrum Sporobolus Styppeiochloa Trichopteryx Vossia