Aristida L.

Threeawn (en), Aristide (fr)


Angiosperms > Poales > Poaceae


Caespitose annuals or perennials, bisexual. Culms branched or unbranched, terete or compressed (often wiry); nodes usually glabrous. Leaves: ligule a ciliate membrane or a fringe of hairs; blade involute, conduplicate or flat, rarely filiform. Inflorescence an open, contracted or spiciform panicle. Spikelets solitary, 1-flowered. Glumes 2, subequal or inverse (the lower glume longer than the upper), obtuse or acute to acuminate, awnless to awned, carinate, usually glabrous; lower glume often caducous, usually 1-nerved, otherwise 3–7-nerved; upper glume 1–5-nerved. Lemma convolute or involute, entire, awned, distinctly firmer than glumes, coriaceous to indurated; awns hairy or scaberulous or glabrous. Palea much shorter than the lemma and enclosed by it and often difficult to see. Caryopsis free from both lemma and palea, terete to biconvex or furrowed in T.S., smooth.
Spikelets 1-fld, articulated above the glumes; glumes membranous, linear to lanceolate, 1(2–5)-nerved, acute, acuminate, or short-awned, the first sometimes deciduous; lemma indurate, linear, obscurely veined, closely convolute about the palea and grain, often scabrous on the obscure keel or toward the tapering summit, and with a sharp, usually bearded callus; awns of the lemma normally 3, elongate, similar or dissimilar; annual or perennial, often weedy, often branched from some or all the nodes, with narrow, often involute lvs, minute ligule, and terminal, usually slender or spike-like, dense or lax panicles or racemes. The awns, erect and parallel when immature or moist, diverge when dry and mature into characteristic positions. Lengths of the glumes and lemmas are here measured from the base of the spikelet. 200, mainly warm reg.
Densely tufted perennials or annuals, usually without a rootstock. Leaf-blades linear, usually in a basal tuft, but in annual species borne mainly on the culms. Panicle effuse, contracted, or spike-like. Spikelets 1-flowered with long scarious glumes; lemma cylindrical or laterally compressed, indurated, glabrous or scabrid, rarely sparsely hairy, the margins convolute or involute, produced into a 3-branched awn (rarely the lateral branches obsolete); awn with or without a column, articulated or not, the branches glabrous or scabrid, never plumose; callus well-developed, obtuse, bifid or acuminate; palea usually less than half as long as the lemma.
Perennials, less often annuals or suffruticose. Culms tufted. Leaf blades usually basal, rolled or rarely flat. Inflorescence a narrow or open panicle. Spikelets with 1 floret; glumes scarious, narrow, unequal with the upper usually longer, 1(–3)-veined; floret callus bearded, obtuse to pungent or 2-toothed; lemma narrowly cylindrical or laterally compressed, convolute, glabrous or sparsely hairy; awn 3-branched, branches arising directly from lemma apex or seated on a straight or twisted column, persistent or disarticulating either at base or apex of column (always persistent in China), scabrid. Stamens 3.
Spikelets 1-flowered, disarticulating above the glumes; glumes usually unequal, 1-nerved, or rarely 3-to 5-nerved, acuminate or awned; lemma indurate at matur-ity, terete, convolute around the palea, glabrous or scabrous toward the tip with a sharp, entire or minutely bifid, bearded callus; awns 3, the lateral sometimes very short or wanting, sometimes united at the base in a slender twisted column. Densely tufted annuals or perennials with involute or narrow flat blades *and open or contracted, occasionally spike-like panicles.
Lemma narrow, terete or laterally compressed, tapering upwards, with convolute or involute margins, 3-nerved, becoming indurated at maturity, bearing at the base an acute, or obtuse, or truncate, or 2-fid, or emarginate, hard, usually barbate callus, awned from the apex of the lemma or from the apex of a usually twisted column (prolongation of the lemma); articulation absent or present (at the apex of the lemma or at the apex of the column); awns 3(1 central, 2 lateral) or rarely 1, scabrous or glabrous.
Annual or perennial, mostly densely tufted, usually with erect or branched, usually solid, rigid culms and long, narrow leaf-laminae, having a ligule of a rim of cilia, and dense spiciform or effuse panicles.
Caryopsis terete or slightly compressed (rarely shallowly grooved), tightly enclosed by the lemma, usually free, with a linear hilum; embryo usually 1/3-1/2 the length of the caryopsis.
Glumes persistent, equal or unequal, narrow, usually 1-3(5) or 3-5-nerved, acute to acuminate or obtuse, or emarginate, mucronate or awn-tipped.
Spikelets 1-flowered, narrow, pedicelled, in terminal lax or contracted panicles.
Palea shorter than the lemma, not keeled, nerveless or 2-nerved, or absent.
Floret hermaphrodite, equalling or shorter than, or exceeding the glumes.
Rhachilla disarticulating obliquely above the glumes.
Ovary glabrous; styles free; stigmas 2, plumose.
Lodicules usually 2, rarely 3, obtuse or absent.
Stamens 1 or 3.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 6-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Aristida unspecified picture


Aristida world distribution map, present in Aruba, Afghanistan, Angola, Åland Islands, Andorra, Australia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Congo, Colombia, Comoros, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Djibouti, Dominica, Algeria, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Spain, Ethiopia, Fiji, Micronesia (Federated States of), Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Libya, Lesotho, Morocco, Moldova (Republic of), Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Montenegro, Mozambique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Malaysia, Namibia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Palau, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Réunion, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Suriname, eSwatini, Seychelles, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Tunisia, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Uruguay, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-4000003057
BDTFX ID 85923
INPN ID 189458
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Curtopogon Trixostis Aristida Arthratherum Aristopsis Chaetaria

Lower taxons

Aristida pennei Aristida adoensis Aristida aemulans Aristida aequiglumis Aristida alpina Aristida amplexifolia Aristida anaclasta Aristida anisochaeta Aristida annua Aristida anthoxanthoides Aristida antoniana Aristida appressa Aristida arizonica Aristida australis Aristida balansae Aristida barbicollis Aristida behriana Aristida beyrichiana Aristida bissei Aristida blakei Aristida boninensis Aristida brasiliensis Aristida brevissima Aristida brevisubulata Aristida brittonorum Aristida burbidgeae Aristida burraensis Aristida calcicola Aristida californica Aristida capillifolia Aristida caput-medusae Aristida chaseae Aristida chiclayensis Aristida cognata Aristida condensata Aristida condylifolia Aristida constricta Aristida contorta Aristida correlliae Aristida curtifolia Aristida cyanantha Aristida dasydesmis Aristida decaryana Aristida denudata Aristida desmantha Aristida dewinteri Aristida divaricata Aristida dominii Aristida echinulata Aristida ecuadoriensis Aristida effusa Aristida ekmaniana Aristida engleri Aristida erecta Aristida exserta Aristida ferrilateris Aristida filifolia Aristida fragilis Aristida fredscholzii Aristida funiculata Aristida geminiflora Aristida glaziovii Aristida granitica Aristida guayllabambensis Aristida gyrans Aristida hackelii Aristida hassleri Aristida havardii Aristida helicophylla Aristida hintonii Aristida hordeacea Aristida hystricula Aristida inaequiglumis Aristida ingrata Aristida jorullensis Aristida junciformis Aristida kerstingii Aristida kimberleyensis Aristida kunthiana Aristida laevigata Aristida laevis Aristida lanigera Aristida leptopoda Aristida leptura Aristida leucophaea Aristida longifolia Aristida longiseta Aristida macrantha Aristida macroclada Aristida macrophylla Aristida mandoniana Aristida megapotamica Aristida meraukensis Aristida meridionalis Aristida mohrii Aristida mollissima Aristida monticola Aristida moritzii Aristida multiramea Aristida nemorivaga Aristida niederleinii Aristida novae-caledoniae Aristida palustris Aristida pansa Aristida paoliana Aristida papuana Aristida parodii Aristida patula Aristida pedroensis Aristida pendula Aristida perniciosa Aristida personata Aristida petersonii Aristida pilgeri Aristida pilosa Aristida pinifolia Aristida pittieri Aristida platychaeta Aristida polyclados Aristida portoricensis Aristida pradana Aristida protensa Aristida pruinosa Aristida psammophila Aristida purpurascens Aristida purpurea Aristida purpusiana Aristida pycnostachya Aristida queenslandica Aristida ramosissima Aristida recurvata Aristida riparia Aristida rosei Aristida rufescens Aristida sanctae-luciae Aristida sayapensis Aristida scabrescens Aristida schebehliensis Aristida schiedeana Aristida schultzii Aristida sciuroides Aristida sciurus Aristida scribneriana Aristida setacea Aristida setifolia Aristida similis Aristida simpliciflora Aristida somalensis Aristida spanospicula Aristida spectabilis Aristida spegazzinii Aristida spiciformis Aristida spuria Aristida stenophylla Aristida stenostachya Aristida stipoides Aristida stocksii Aristida stricta Aristida subaequans Aristida superpendens Aristida suringarii Aristida takeoi Aristida tarapotana Aristida tenuiseta Aristida tenuissima Aristida teretifolia Aristida ternipes Aristida thompsonii Aristida torta Aristida trachyantha Aristida utilis Aristida vagans Aristida vaginata Aristida victoriana Aristida wildii Aristida wrightii Aristida abnormis Aristida achalensis Aristida acuta Aristida amazonensis Aristida ambongensis Aristida arubensis Aristida asplundii Aristida basiramea Aristida batangensis Aristida biglandulosa Aristida capillacea Aristida chaetophylla Aristida chapadensis Aristida circinalis Aristida culionensis Aristida dichotoma Aristida divulsa Aristida elliptica Aristida eludens Aristida flabellata Aristida flaccida Aristida floridana Aristida forsteri Aristida friesii Aristida gibbosa Aristida glauca Aristida gracilipes Aristida hispidula Aristida hitchcockiana Aristida hubbardiana Aristida humidicola Aristida humbertii Aristida jaliscana Aristida jerichoensis Aristida jubata Aristida kelleri Aristida kenyensis Aristida lanosa Aristida latzii Aristida laxa Aristida lazaridis Aristida leichhardtiana Aristida liebmannii Aristida lignosa Aristida lisowskii Aristida longicollis Aristida mendocina Aristida mexicana Aristida minutiflora Aristida muricata Aristida murina Aristida mutabilis Aristida nicorae Aristida obscura Aristida oligantha Aristida oligospira Aristida pallens Aristida pubescens Aristida refracta Aristida repens Aristida rhizomophora Aristida riograndensis Aristida subspicata Aristida subulata Aristida tenuifolia Aristida tricornis Aristida triseta Aristida triticoides Aristida tsangpoensis Aristida tuberculosa Aristida tuitensis Aristida valida Aristida venustula Aristida vexativa Aristida vickeryae Aristida villosa Aristida annamensis Aristida arida Aristida brainii Aristida echinata Aristida gypsophila Aristida holathera Aristida latifolia Aristida migiurtina Aristida stipitata Aristida strigosa Aristida transvaalensis Aristida uruguayensis Aristida warburgii Aristida jacobsiana Aristida jaucensis Aristida lanosa Aristida adoensis Aristida hygrometrica Aristida longispica Aristida rauliolii Aristida calycina Aristida ramosa Aristida rhiniochloa Aristida sieberiana Aristida benthamii Aristida cumingiana Aristida diffusa Aristida diminuta Aristida glabrata Aristida recta Aristida scabrivalvis Aristida chinensis Aristida curtissii Aristida nitidula Aristida vestita Aristida curvifolia Aristida fendleriana Aristida virgata Aristida hamulosa Aristida hystrix Aristida neglecta Aristida vilfifolia Aristida bipartita Aristida redacta Aristida parvula Aristida arabica Aristida sandinensis Aristida jaucense Aristida venesuelae Aristida congesta Aristida adscensionis