Tufted perennial to sub-perennial, to 650 mm high, erect or geniculate. Leaf blade to 200 x to 2 mm. Inflorescence open; branches rigid, naked for most of their length, spreading at 90 degrees from main axis; spikelets borne at the apices of the long, naked branches. Spikelet 18-20 mm long (including awns); glumes awned; lower glume equalling or longer than upper glume; lemma articulation and column absent; awns three, subequal; callus apex thickened, naked, rounded to obtuse; anther 2.2-4.0 mm long.
Perennial (to subperennial), tufted (erect or geniculate), up to 0.65 m high. Leaf blades up to 200 mm long, up to 2 mm wide. Spikelets 18-20 mm long (including awns). Inflorescence open, branches rigid, naked for most of their length, spreading at 90° from main axis, spikelets borne at tips of long, naked branches; lower glume equalling or longer than upper glume, awned; lemma articulation and column absent; awns 3, subequal; callus tip thickened, naked, rounded to obtuse.
Perennial; sometimes short-lived; up to 0.65 m high; tufted. Culms erect or geniculate. Leaf blades up to 200 x 2 mm. Flowers: panicle open; branches rigid; naked for most of their length; spreading at 90° from main axis; spikelets borne at apices of long; naked branches; spikelets 18-20 mm long (including awns); lower glume equal to or longer than upper glume; awned; lemma articulation and column absent; awns 3; subequal; callus apex thickened; naked; rounded to obtuse.