Spikelets with a single perfect terminal fl and a lateral fl represented only by a thin, sterile, glume-like lemma; first glume short or wanting; second glume about as long as the sterile lemma; fertile lemma chartaceous, narrowly lanceolate, awnless; panicles dense, spike-like, with short-pediceled, involucrate groups of 1–few spikelets, the group and its invol falling together, the invol of several–many distinct or basally connate, often plumose bristles (short sterile branches). 100+, warm Old World.
Spikelets solitary or in groups of 2 or 3, the groups enclosed in a fascicle of bristles, these united only at the base, often plumose, falling attached to the spike-lets; first glume much shorter than the spikelet, sometimes minute or wanting, thin, 1-nerved; second glume and sterile lemma subequal, or the glume a little shorter, 5-nerved; fruit subindurate, smooth and shining, the margins of the lemma thin and flat.