Trees, occasionally shrubs, often with several-celled uniseriate hairs and bristle-glands. Bark rough, or smooth in Angophora costata. Adult leaves opposite, discolorous. Conflorescences terminal, determinate or indeterminate, thyrsoid or thyrsiform; umbels 3–7-flowered, pedunculate. Flowers bisexual. Hypanthium extending beyond ovary. Sepals 4 or 5. Petals 4 or 5, orbicular, free, keeled, creamy white. Stamens numerous in several whorls, free, versatile; filaments creamy yellow, rarely pink, glabrous; connective terminated by a gland; anthers bilobed, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary inferior, 3-or rarely 4-locular; style simple; ovules hemianatropous. Fruit a woody capsule enclosed by hypanthium, longitudinally ribbed, dehiscing by terminal valves; disc descending or level. Seed 1 per locule, broadly elliptic, dark brown; ovulodes numerous.