Lip c. 7 × 3 mm, including an acumen 2 mm long, very concave, ovate, acuminate; spur 12 mm long, slender, slightly swollen near apex, often ascending.
Dorsal sepal 7–8 × 2–4 mm, ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate; lateral sepals c. 8 × 1.5 mm, lanceolate, acuminate, rather oblique.
Inflorescences 15–24 cm long, up to 5-branched, each branch several-flowered.
Erect epiphytic herb with a woody stem to c. 9 cm long.
Young leaf sheaths sometimes with dark spots.
Petals 6 × 1.5–3 mm, lanceolate, acuminate.
Flowers pale yellow-green, thin-textured.
Roots numerous, c. 1.5 mm in diameter.
Pedicel and ovary 5–6 mm long.
Bracts c. 2 mm long.
Column very short.