Column short, fleshy, without a foot; clinandrium shallow, 2-lobed in front with a short tooth-like rostellum between the lobes; pollinia 2, globose, sulcate, attached to a common viscidium or with separate viscidia.
Ovary sessile or pedicellate, often twisted through 180°.Sepals and petals free, subsimilar, usually spreading.
Inflorescences (floral axes) axillary, 1-to many-flowered, usually racemose but rarely branched.
Lip entire, rarely obscurely 3-lobed, concave, spurred, the base enveloping the column.
Very small to very large epiphytic or lithophytic herbs, rarely terrestrial.
Stem long or short, erect or pendent, sometimes branched.
Leaves distichous, articulated to persistent leaf bases.
Flowers small or large, white, green or yellow.