Plants small to medium-sized, caespitose, olivaceous or green or mostly yellowish green to yellow above, olivaceous or brownish to reddish brown below, generally glossy; terricolous or saxicolous. Stems to 37 mm tall, julaceous, brown to red-brown, branching by forks or subperichaetial innovations, tomentose below; in section round, central strand of thin-walled cells present, inner cortex 2-3 cells wide, thinwalled, outer cortex 1-2 cells wide, incrassate; rhizoids densely papillose, brownish to red-brown. Leaves evenly spaced along stem, about equal in size, imbricate, concave, ovate or oblong-acute, (0.5-)0.9-1.6 mm long; apex acute or obtuse, apiculate, margins plane or occasionally recurved below, denticulate above; border absent. Costa ending below apex, frequently red below; in section ovoid, ventrally concave, laminal insertion median, guide cells frequently exposed ventrally, dorsal stereid band strong, dorsal surface cells incrassate. Upper laminal cells linear-rhomboidal or linear-vermicular, incrassate, occasionally pitted, (37-)50-140 µm long, 7-12 µm wide; basal laminal cells frequently reddish, irregularly rectangular. Dioicous. Perichaetia terminal but quickly overgrown by innovations, leaves ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate. Seta 13-20 mm long, yellowish red or reddish brown; capsule inclined to pendulous, generally pyriform, yellowish brown or reddish brown; urn 0.8-1.1 mm long, contracted below mouth when dry, neck 0.4-1.0 mm long, wrinkled when dry; exothecial cells irregularly rectangular to quadrate, incrassate, smaller at mouth; stomata present on neck, phaneropore; peristome teeth yellow to yellow-brown, orange below, hyaline above, narrowly oblong-acuminate, trabeculate, finely papillose, endostome segments keeled, broadly perforated, cilia 2-3, appendiculate, basal membrane high, hyaline to yellowish above, yellow below, finely papillose; operculum conic, apiculate; calyptra cucullate; spores 13-16 µm, finely papillose.
Stems strongly julaceous. Leaves loosely imbricate when dry, strongly concave, 0.6-1.2 mm; costa ending mid leaf or 2/3 leaf length, rarely percurrent; distal laminal cells elongate-vermicular, 60-100 µm, 8-10:1, walls sinuate. Specialized asexual reproduction absent. Seta 2-3 cm. Capsule inclined to nodding, brown or red-brown, ovate-pyriform, 1-2 mm; peristome double; endostome basal membrane high, segments broadly perforated, cilia 1-3, appendiculate to nodose. Spores 8-13 µm.
Plants small to medium-sized, shiny, caespitose. Stems up to 37 mm long, julaceous. Leaves imbricate, concave, ovate or oblong-acute, 0.5-1.6 mm long; apex acute to obtuse; margins denticulate above; costa ending below apex. Upper laminal cells linear-rhomboidal or vermicular, incrassate. Capsule inclined to pendulous, pyriform, neck wrinkled when dry; peristome teeth trabeculate, endostome segments broadly perforated, cilia 2 or 3.