Plants small, in thin mats or scattered, pale green to yellow-green. Stems 0.5-1.5 cm, weakly to strongly julaceous, often appearing stringlike, not or weakly branched; rhizoids few, micronemata and macronemata absent or present in clusters on proximal stem. Leaves imbricate when dry, erect when moist, broadly ovate or ovate-lanceolate, flat to concave, 0.6-1.4 mm; base not decurrent; margins recurved proximally, plane distally, or often plane throughout, entire, 1-stratose, limbidium absent; apex broadly acute; costa not reaching apex or very short-excurrent, mucro smooth, guide cells absent; alar cells not differentiated from juxtacostal cells; laminal areolation distinctly heterogeneous; proximal laminal cells quadrate or short-rectangular, 1-2:1; medial and distal cells elongate-rhomboidal to elongate-vermicular, 6-10:1, walls thick, not pitted. Specialized asexual reproduction by leaf axil bulbils or absent. Sexual condition dioicous; perigonia and perichaetia terminal, leaves same size as vegetative leaves or usually larger, not forming rosette, inner leaves little differentiated. Seta single, flexuose. Capsule inclined to erect, ovate-cylindric or ovate-pyriform, 1-3 mm; hypophysis somewhat differentiated; operculum weakly convex, short-conic, not rostrate; peristome double, single, or rarely absent; exostome pale brown basally, hyaline distally, teeth slender lanceolate; endostome separate from exostome or sometimes adherent or absent, basal membrane low to high, segments present or absent, broadly perforate, cilia present or sometimes absent. Spores shed singly, 8-15 µm, finely papillose, pale tan or yellow-tan.