Unarmed evergreen trees. Leaves paripinnate; stipules free, or connate into an intrapetiolar scale; petiolules not twisted; leaflets opposite, in (1–)2–7 pairs, petiolulate, equal-sided or nearly so at base, without translucent gland-dots. Flowers in lateral or terminal panicles, or sometimes racemes; bracteoles 2, well-developed, valvate, completely enclosing the flower-buds, persistent. Hypanthium ± shortly tubular or cupuliform. Sepals 4–5, equal, or with one larger than the other. Petals 2–6, equal, or with 1–3 larger than the rest. Stamens (6–)9(–10), free; usually 3(–5) of them large and 1–7 ± reduced small and staminodial. Ovary with 2–5 ovules. Pods dehiscing into 2 flattened woody valves with ± transverse nerves. Seeds large, ± compressed, non-areolate, with thin testa and short funicle.