Epiphytic shrubs. Leaves short petiolate, subcoriaceous, plinerved, entire. Inflorescences terminal or rarely axillary, racemose, with the 5-12 flowers borne on medially bibracteolate pedicels subtended by a minute papery bract and articulated with the hypanthium. Flowers with the hypanthium fleshy, subglo-bose, conspicuously and broadly 5-winged to the sinuses, calyx limb erect, the lobes 5, inconspicuous, toothlike and minutely apiculate; corolla tube fleshy, cylindric, inconspicuously 5-angled, the lobes small, deltoid; stamens 10, equal, about half as long as the corolla, the filaments distinct, membranaceous, the an-thers inserted dorsally near the base, the thecae slightly to coarsely granular, ba-sally short appendaged, the connectives alternately medially and dorsally spurred, the tubules flexible, dehiscent over their entire length by elongate clefts; style filiform, equalling or slightly exceeding the corolla tube, the ovary inferior, 5-loculate, crowned with an annular disc. Fruit a berry.