Anthoxanthum odoratum L.

Sweet vernalgrass (en), Flouve odorante (fr)


Angiosperms > Poales > Poaceae > Anthoxanthum


Tufted perennials, 12-50-(90) cm, strongly coumarin-scented. Leaf-sheath firmly membranous, glabrous or sparsely hairy, especially towards ligule, ± bearded on margins near collar, sometimes with one minute lateral auricle. Ligule 0.6-5 mm, truncate to somewhat tapered, minutely ciliate. Leaf-blade (1)-3.5-18-(25) cm × 2-6.5-(10) mm, glabrous or hairy, ribs smooth or minutely scaberulous, tip acute to acuminate. Culm erect or spreading, simple, internodes glabrous. Panicle 1.5-10-(16) × (0.5)-1-2-(4) cm, cylindric to ± ovate, dense, branches very rarely obvious; rachis glabrous, branches and pedicels short-hairy or very rarely glabrous. Spikelets 7-9.5 mm, green or brownish green, sometimes proliferous. Glumes ± hairy, very rarely glabrous or minutely scabrid, acute to shortly mucronate; lower c. ½ length of upper, 1-nerved, ovate, upper > florets and enclosing them, 3-nerved, ovate-lanceolate. Ø florets: lemma 3-3.5 mm, oblong, firmly membranous, brown and hairy below, hyaline above, apex bifid, with short obtuse lobes; awn of lower floret 2.4-3.8 mm, straight, inserted above midpoint, awn of second floret 6.3-8.5 mm, curved near base, inserted near base of lemma and often slightly projecting beyond upper glumes; palea 0 in both florets. ☿ floret: lemma 1.4-2.2 mm, orbicular, smooth; palea = lemma, narrow-lanceolate; anthers (2.5)-3.5-4.7 mm; caryopsis 1.4-1.9 × 0.5-1 mm. Plate 4E.
Plant loosely tufted, sometimes rhizomatous. Culms 15–60(–100) cm tall, 1–3-noded. Leaf sheaths glabrous or loosely pilose, mouth glabrous or bearded; leaf blades flat, up to 12 cm, 2–7 mm wide, glabrous or loosely pilose, smooth or scabrid, apex acuminate; ligule 1–3 mm, obtuse. Panicle dense, spikelike, lanceolate to narrowly oblong in outline, 2–7(–10) × 0.4–1 cm; branches short; pedicels pubescent or glabrous. Spikelets lanceolate, 6–9 mm; glumes unequal, pubescent or punctiform-scabrid, margins sometimes ciliate, lower glume ca. 1/2 length of upper glume, 1-veined, upper glume subequal to spikelet, 3-veined; lower florets sterile, composed only of lemmas, 2.5–3.5 mm, pilose on back, apex 2-lobed, lobes short, obtuse; first lemma awned from near middle, awn straight, 2–4 mm; second lemma awned near base, awn geniculate, 7–9 mm; bisexual floret 2–3 mm, smooth, shiny; palea 1-veined; anthers 3–4.5 mm. Fl. and fr. May–Aug.
Perennial. Culms slender or robust, 30–100 cm high, 2 or 3-noded, unbranched above. Young shoots extravaginal. Leaves: blade 3–30 cm long, (1.5–) 2–9 mm wide, with midrib prominent in lower 1/3. Inflorescences 1.5–7.5 (–12) cm long. Spikelets subsessile or pedicellate, 6–10.2 mm long. Glumes: lower glume 3.5–5.1 mm long; upper glume 6.6–10.2 mm long, with midnerve glabrous or scabrous to pilose towards base. Sterile florets: lemmas 3–3.5 mm long, dorsally rounded, with hairs over most of dorsal surface but not on lobes; lemma awns dorsal, arising from midpoint or upper 1/2 of basal lemma and from near base of second lemma, markedly unequal; awn of basal lemma 2.25–3.4 mm long, relatively slender and straight; awn of second lemma 6.6–8 mm long, stout and geniculate, with twisted column pigmented at maturity. Bisexual floret: lemma 1.7–2.55 mm long; palea equalling lemma, narrowly elliptic, hyaline.
Loosely or densely tufted perennial, 0.3-0.6(-1.0) m high, fresh plant smells of coumarin (scent of vanilla or newly mown hay. Leaf blade 150-300 x 2-8 mm, expanded, apex acute to acuminate; ligule an unfringed membrane. Inflorescence a narrow, spikelike panicle, 10-90 mm long. Spikelet 7-10 mm long, laterally compressed; glumes unequal acute, hyaline, glabrous or minutely pilose on back, keel scaberulous; lower glume 1-nerved; upper glume longer than and enfolding spikelet. Florets 3; lower 2 florets male or sterile, lower lemma long, always dark brown, densely hairy, awn short, straight from above middle of back, second lemma awned from near base, awns with lower part twisted, geniculate; uppermost floret bisexual, lemma glabrous, awnless; anther 4.0-4.5 mm long. Flowering time Oct.-Feb.
Tufted perennial 3–7 dm; lvs mostly near the base, 2–5 mm wide, the upper much shorter; ligules (1–)2–3 mm; panicle spike-like, long-exsert, 3–9 cm; glumes scabrous on the keel to villous throughout, the first 4 mm, the second 7–9 mm; sterile lemmas 3–3.5 mm, golden-silky, the awn of the second about equaling the second glume; fertile lemma suborbicular, 2 mm; 2n=10, 20. Native of Europe, intr. in lawns, meadows, roadsides, and waste places from Nf. to Ga., w. to Mich., Ill., and La.
A grass which keeps growing from year to year and grows in tufts. It grows 10-100 cm high. It only has a few hairs. The flower head is narrowly oval. It is 2-7 cm long. This can be green to golden brown. The spikelets are flattened and crowded on short branches. They are 7-9 mm long. The plant has a sweet smell like new mown hay.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination anemogamy
Spread epizoochory
Mature width (meter) 0.2 - 0.4
Mature height (meter) 0.23 - 0.6
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 0.2
Root diameter (meter) 0.2
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a temperate plant. It grows in poorly developed pasture. In China it grows on alpine steppes between 1,400-2,900 m above sea level. In Argentina it grows between sea level and 1,000 m above sea level. Tasmanian Herbarium.
In coolerregions in open grassy situations from sea-level to c. 1200 m. 
Meadows, woodland margins, heaths and moors on acid and basic soils.
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 3-6
Soil texture 1-4
Soil acidity 3-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-8


The dried leaves are used as a substitute for tea. The leaves are also used for flavouring.
Uses fiber fodder forage material medicinal poison tea
Edible leaves seeds
Therapeutic use Emollient (unspecified), Tumor (unspecified)
Human toxicity weak toxic (aerial)
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown by seed. It can also be grown by root division.
Mode divisions seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) 20
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -35
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Anthoxanthum odoratum habit picture by bas yves (cc-by-sa)
Anthoxanthum odoratum habit picture by 🐞Hélène🐦 (cc-by-sa)
Anthoxanthum odoratum habit picture by Frejuka (cc-by-sa)


Anthoxanthum odoratum leaf picture by Louis Buchalet (cc-by-sa)
Anthoxanthum odoratum leaf picture by Jasper Edwards (cc-by-sa)
Anthoxanthum odoratum leaf picture by Marc Maestri (cc-by-sa)


Anthoxanthum odoratum flower picture by Max Haidvogl (cc-by-sa)
Anthoxanthum odoratum flower picture by Tracy Delaney (cc-by-sa)
Anthoxanthum odoratum flower picture by Baláš Ondřej (cc-by-sa)


Anthoxanthum odoratum fruit picture by Oldak (cc-by-sa)
Anthoxanthum odoratum fruit picture by matsherrlinger (cc-by-sa)
Anthoxanthum odoratum fruit picture by Sergio-OMA (cc-by-sa)


Anthoxanthum odoratum world distribution map, present in Åland Islands, Albania, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Germany, Dominica, Denmark, Algeria, Ecuador, Spain, Finland, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), France, Micronesia (Federated States of), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Georgia, Greece, Haiti, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Madagascar, Montenegro, Malaysia, Norfolk Island, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Portugal, Réunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Sweden, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tunisia, Taiwan, Province of China, Ukraine, Uruguay, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000848178
INPN ID 82922
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Anthoxanthum alpinum Anthoxanthum asperum Anthoxanthum nebrodense Anthoxanthum odoratum Anthoxanthum pilosum Anthoxanthum odoratum f. montanum Anthoxanthum odoratum f. tenerum Anthoxanthum maderense Anthoxanthum pauciflorum Anthoxanthum sommierianum Xanthonanthos odoratum Anthoxanthum odoratum f. odoratum Phalaris ciliata Anthoxanthum villosum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. altissimum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. corsicum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. glaberrimum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. glabrescens Anthoxanthum odoratum var. pilosum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. villosum Anthoxanthum ovatum var. montanum Anthoxanthum ovatum var. strictum Anthoxanthum ovatum var. tenerum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. asperum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. sommierianum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. tenerum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. villosum Anthoxanthum odoratum subsp. odoratum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. montanum Anthoxanthum odoratum var. odoratum

Lower taxons

Anthoxanthum odoratum subsp. furumii Anthoxanthum odoratum subsp. nipponicum