Plants usually epiphytic but reported to be sometimes terrestrial, the caudex short or elongate, as much as 2 cm. thick, the internodes usually short; cataphylls nar-rowly oblong, often persistent and rather thick; petioles slender, mostly 40-60 cm. long, geniculate about 2 cm. below the apex; blades subcoriaceous when dried, broadly ovate-cordate or deltoid-cordate, mostly 40-50 cm. long and almost as wide, cuspidate-acuminate, the basal lobes one-third as long as the posterior one or shorter, broadly rounded, separated by a deep and rather narrow but open sinus, directed downward or somewhat incurved, the primary costal nerves 5 or more on each side, stout and very prominent, united to form a prominent collective nerve close to the margin; peduncles 50 cm. long or more; spathe lanceolate, 15-18 cm. long, 3-4 cm. wide near the base, acuminate; spadix subsessile or on a stipe 1 cm. long, often 18 cm. or more in length, dark red at first, 1 cm. thick below, some-what attenuate upward; sepals linear; ovaries oblong, gradually attenuate to a thick, conoid style.