Plants epiphytic, very large and coarse, acaulescent or nearly so, with a dense cluster of large leaves; petioles much shorter than the blades (in specimens seen about 16 cm. long), 5-carinate dorsally, with a short and very thick node, 1.5-2 cm. thick; blades coriaceous when dried, obovate or obovate-oblong, about 50 cm. wide, cuspidulate, gradually cuneate-attenuate to the narrow base, the costa very thick and salient, carinate, the primary lateral nerves 14-16 on each side, thick, remote, very prominent, not united to form a distinct collective nerve; peduncles about 60 cm. long, 5-to 7-angulate, very stout, terete near the apex; spathe linear-lanceolate, short-decurrent at the base, about 45 cm. long and 2 cm. wide; spadix sessile, caudiform, 50-60 cm. long, dull green; berries bright red, pyriform, 1 cm. long, 4-5 mm. thick at the apex; seeds oblong, somewhat compressed, 5 mm. long,-the testa yellow, very minutely verruculose.