Plants epiphytic, the caudices elongate and creeping or scandent, less than 3 mm. in diameter, green, rooting at the nodes, the internodes mostly elongate; cataphylls short, linear-attenuate, caducous; petioles slender, sometimes almost equaling the blades but usually much shorter, 15 cm. long or less, geniculate 1-2.5 cm. below the apex, the node slender; blades membranaceous and usually bright green when dried, slightly paler beneath, epunctate, ovate-elliptic to ovate-oblong or oblanceolate-oblong, mostly 13-20 cm. long and 4-9 cm. wide, cuspidate-acuminate to attenuate, somewhat narrowed to the obtuse or narrowly rounded and shallowly cordate base, the basal lobes small and broadly rounded, separated by an open sinus, quintuplinerved at the base, the upper 2 nerves arising far above the base, the primary lateral nerves 9-10 on each side, very slender, united to form a slender collective nerve remote from the margin; peduncles very slender, 7-14 cm. long; spathe lanceolate, acuminate or long-attenuate, 5-7 cm. long, 14 mm. wide or less, pale green; spadix borne on a stipe 5-10 mm. long, or sometimes almost sessile, slender and attenuate upward, 5-8 cm. long or in fruit as much as 12 cm., 3-4 mm. thick in anthesis; berries ovoid, 8 mm. long, orange or scarlet.