Caudex with short internodes; cataphylls greatly elongate; petioles almost equaling or shorter than the blades, very slender, about 30 cm. long, geniculate 1.5 cm. below the apex; blades subcoriaceous, oblong, about 35 cm. long and 15 cm. wide, caudate-acuminate, subtruncate or subcordate at the base, with very short, rounded basal lobes, the primary lateral nerves 1.5-2 cm. apart, slender but prominent beneath, united 3-4 mm. from the margin to form a distinct collective nerve; peduncles 30 cm. long; spathe linear-lanceolate, long-cuspidate, decurrent at the base, 8 cm. long, 1.5 cm. wide; spadix borne on a stipe 5 mm. long, slender-cylindric, 8-9 cm. long, 5 mm. thick; sepals 1 mm. wide and slightly longer; ovary ovoid.