Ovary sessile or very shortly stipitate, 1-locular with one parietal placenta; ovules rather few, in 2 rows, ± horizontal; stigma subsessile, large and peltate with a median furrow.
Flowers bisexual, axillary, solitary, in few-flowered fascicles or racemes; bracts minute, scale-like; pedicels with 1–3 minute, scaly bracteoles in the lower half.
Stamens very numerous, free, inserted towards the margin of a slightly concave receptacle.
Leaves petiolate, simple, more or less dentate-serrulate at the margins; stipules minute.
Seeds discoid with a smooth crustaceous testa; endosperm fleshy.
Sepals 4–6, free except at the base, imbricate.
Fruit a fleshy berry with c. 6 seeds.
Shrubs or trees, entirely glabrous.
Petals 0.