Stem erect, 100–250 mm long, thin, tough, fibrous. Leaves numerous, narrow and grass-like, arching, 100–200 × 7–10 mm, dark green, tapered, thin-textured, apex thread-like. Flower stems branched, arising in upper axils of stem, 50–100 mm long, wiry, 5–40-flowered. Flowers held on slender erect ovaries, upward-facing, 8–10 mm across, starry, yellow. Perianth segments all of similar shape and size, (including labellum), 40–45 × 8–12 mm, spreading or recurved; apical margins inrolled. Callus absent. Capsules erect, cylindrical, 10–12 × 1.5–2 mm, yellow when ripe.