Tree c. 10 m high. Branchlets terete, bristly rusty-hairy. Stipules linear-filiform, up to 1 cm, rusty hairy, persistent. Leaves: rachis 0.8-3.5 cm, with spreading, bristly ferrugineous hairs, with one gland, circular in outline, slightly concave, stalked, stalk c. 1 mm; pinnae 1 pair, l-4(-9) cm, indumentum as on the rachis, glands not seen; leaflets subsessile, the short petiolules setose; leaflets 1-1½ pair per pinna, opposite, chartaceous drying dull brown, unequal-sided, elliptic, obovate-elliptic, or obovate-oblong, 3.5-18.5 by 1.7-8 cm, base very obliquely cuneate, apex acutely acuminate, both surfaces rusty setose; principal lateral veins 6 or 7 per leaflet-half, slightly arching, non-parallel; reticulation faint, impressed above, prominent and raised beneath. Inflorescence only known in the fruiting stage, subterminal, hispid, possibly racemose, ?6 cm long, floral bracts not known. Old flowers as seen in fruiting specimens: calyx cupular, 5-7.5 mm, hispid; teeth 1-1.5 mm; corolla funnel-shaped, c. 10 mm, sericeous; lobes oblong, acute; stamens not seen; ovaries 2, sessile, glabrous. Pod dark red outside, reddish inside, twisted, consisting of c. 9 segments, each c. 15 by 13 mm, thinly woody, deeply constricted along the dorsal suture, glabrous, with blunt, irregular pointed tubercles, dehiscing along both sutures. Seeds black, ellipsoid, c. 12 by 8 mm.