Tree to 15 m high; bole 5 m high, to 14 cm in diameter. Branchlets terete, hollow, myrmecophil-ous, patently puberulous, glabrescent. Stipules triangular, coriaceous, c. 1 mm, caducous, stipular glands present. Leaves: rachis 11-15 cm, patently puberulous, glands sessile, circular or transversely elliptic, with raised margins, 1.5-2 mm in diameter; pinnae 1 pair, 15-30 cm, patently puberulous, glands similar to rachis glands; petiolules black, 2-4 mm, densely patently puberulous; leaflets 2-5 pairs per pinna, opposite, lower, and with a unpaired leaflet, chartaceous, equal-sided, ovate, elliptic, or obovate-elliptic, 7-16 by 4.8-8.7 cm, base broadly cuneate or asymmetrically rounded, apex shortly acuminate, both surfaces glabrous major veins beneath densely patent-pu-bescent; principal lateral veins 5-7 per leaflet-half, prominent, parallel, arching; reticulation dense, prominent. Inflorescences clustered on the trunk or supra-axillary at the leaves, minutely to densely puberulous, consisting of unbranched racemes, 1-4 cm, floral bracts linear, c. 2 mm, pedicels 4-8 mm, glabrous. Flowers pentamerous, male. Calyx Qupu-lar, 4-6 mm, glabrous, teeth rounded, up to 1 mm. Corolla broadly tubular, 15-17 mm, glabrous; lobes ovate-elliptic, acute, 5 mm. Stamens 35 mm, tube equalling the corolla; disc-like nectary present. Ovaries unknown. Pod and seeds unknown.