Stamens 5, oppositipetalous; filaments short, connate below into a continuous ring fused at the base to the corolla–tube; anthers apiculate.
Racemes few–flowered, extra–axillary, short–peduncled; flowers pedicellate and bracteate, inconspicuous.
Capsule globose, dehiscent by 5 apical valves or indehiscent, many–seeded.
Corolla campanulate, with 5 lobes 1/3–1/2 the length of the corolla.
Leaves petiolate, alternate, orbicular, coarsely lobed and toothed.
Calyx segments 5, free or somewhat accrescent, persistent.
Pilose creeping herbs with leafy stems.
Seeds angular, blackish, papillose.
Ovary multiovulate.