Herbs perennial. Roots spinose or long conic. Stems clustered, erect or suberect, 7--15 cm, long nodose villous and black glandular villous. Proximal cauline leaves with petiole 1--2 mm; distal cauline leaves sessile; leaf blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 5--10 × 3--7 mm, both surfaces villous, base cuneate, apex obtuse. Cymes terminal, few flowered, or flower solitary; bracts leaflike, smaller than leaves. Pedicel 0.5--2.5 cm, densely glandular pubescent. Sepals 5, lanceolate or ovate, 4--5 × ca. 1.5 mm, densely glandular pubescent abaxially, margin membranous, apex obtuse. Petals 5, white, broadly obovate, 5--8 mm, apex weakly toothed. Stamens 10, slightly longer than sepals; anthers violet to yellow-brown. Ovary ovoid, ca. 3 mm. Styles 2, ca. 2.5 mm. Fl. Jun--Jul.