Arenaria L.

Sandworts (en), Sablines (fr), Arénaire (fr)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Caryophyllaceae


Plants annual or perennial, sometimes densely matted. Taproots filiform to moderately thickened; rhizomes slender. Stems prostrate to ascending or erect, simple or branched, terete to ellipsoid, angular or grooved. Leaves mostly connate, mostly sessile, not congested at or near base of flowering stem; blade 1-or 3-5-veined, rarely linear or linear-lanceolate to usually elliptic to ovate or rarely orbiculate, sometimes subsucculent or succulent, apex blunt or obtuse to acute, acuminate, or apiculate. Inflorescences terminal or axillary open cymes, or flowers solitary; bracts paired, smaller, foliaceous. Pedicels erect or ascending to reflexed in fruit. Flowers: perianth and androecium hypogynous; sepals 5, distinct or barely connate proximally, green or rarely distally purple, lanceolate to broadly ovate, 2-5 mm, margins foliaceous or white and scarious, apex obtuse to rounded or acute to acuminate, not hooded; petals 5 or absent, white, not clawed, blade apex entire; nectaries at base of filaments opposite sepals; stamens 10 (ca. 8 in A. livermorensis), arising from base of ovary; filaments distinct; staminodes absent; styles 3, filiform, 0.5-2 mm, glabrous proximally; stigmas 3, linear along adaxial surfaces of styles, papillate (30×). Capsules broadly ellipsoid or ovoid to cylindric, opening by 6 ascending to recurved teeth; carpophore absent. Seeds [1-]5-35, brown to dark brown or black, reniform or suborbicular, laterally compressed or not, shiny or dull, smooth, rugulose, or tuberculate, marginal wing absent, appendage absent. x = [7, 8?] 10, 11.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, glabrous or pubescent, prostrate and cespitose to diffuse and spreading, the stems somewNhat resilient and occasionally suffruticose below. Leaves opposite, petiolate to sessile and slightly amplexicaul, exstipulate, subulate and coriaceous to broadly elliptic and membranaceous. Flowers axillary or terminal, solitary or in dichasial cymes. Sepals 5, connate only at the base if at all. Petals 5, rarely lacking, wrhite or occasionally red, entire or shallowly emarginate. Stamens 10, rarely 5; anthers versatile; 2-celled, longitudinally dehis-cent; filaments flattened and usually united below to form a slightly perigynous disk. Ovary superior, 3-(2-5-) carpellate with 3 (2-5) filiform styles free to their bases; ovules numerous on basal placentae. Capsule dehiscing into as many entire to deeply emarginate valves as there are styles; seeds numerous, cochleate, smooth to tuberculate, estrophiolate, the embryo curved about the perisperm.
Herbs, annual to perennial, rarely (not in Australia) undershrubs; stems branching, glabrous to densely minutely scabrous. Leaves opposite, linear to elliptic, ovate, or orbicular, usually flat, acute to apiculate; margins entire, ciliate; stipules absent; bracts herbaceous. Flowers solitary, terminal or in dichasial, often few-flowered cymes, usually 5-merous, bisexual. Sepals usually 5, free. Petals usually 5 (rarely 4 or absent), shorter than the sepals, entire or slightly emarginate, white. Stamens (8–) 10. Ovary 1-celled; styles 3, rarely 2, 4 or 5. Capsule ampulliform to ± conical, usually slightly exceeding the calyx, opening by twice as many teeth as styles. Seeds numerous, discoid (±reniform) or slightly nautiloid, tuberculate.
Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, rarely low, spiny shrubs or cushion plants. Leaves exstipulate, more or less joined at the base, suborbicular to linear or setaceous. Inflorescences cymose, axillary or more often terminal, few-or many-flowered, flowers sometimes solitary. Sepals 5 (or 4), free, herbaceous with a narrow or wide scarious margin, persistent, 1-or 3-nerved with a prominent midrib. Petals 5 (0), white to pinkish, entire or slightly emarginate. Stamens mostly 10, the 5 outer ones with basal glands. Ovary of 3 (2-5) carpels with as many short styles. Capsule opening with twice as many teeth or, more rarely, bifid valves. Seeds usually numerous, black, rarely reddish brown, spherical to reniform, tuberculate.
Herbs annual or perennial, rarely biennial. Stems erect or rarely creeping, often caespitose or pulvinate. Leaves opposite, rarely whorled; leaf blade linear to elliptic, ovate, or orbicular, usually flat, margin entire. Flowers solitary or numerous in cymes, actinomorphic. Sepals 4 or 5, apex entire, rarely emarginate. Petals 4 or 5, sometimes absent, apex entire to toothed, 2-cleft, or fimbriate. Stamens (2--5 or 8 or)10. Ovary 1-loculed; ovules numerous. Styles 2 or 3(--5). Capsule ovoid, obovoid, or globose, usually shorter than persistent sepals, rarely equaling or longer than them, 3-or 6-valved. Seeds reniform or subovoid, flattened, smooth, tuberculate, or narrowly winged.
Annual to perennial herbs. Hairs glandular and/or eglandular or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, linear-subulate to orbicular. Infl. cymose, few-to many-flowered; bracts and sepals herbaceous or with scarious margins; epicalyx 0. Sepals (4)-5, free. Petals (4)-5, white, rarely pink, entire; coronal scales 0. Stamens 10 or fewer. Styles (2)-3-(5). Fr. an ovoid to cylindric capsule, dehiscing by twice as many acute teeth as the styles, sessile. Seeds many, reniform, smooth or tuberculate, not winged.
Fls solitary or in terminal cymes; sep 5; pet 5, white, entire to emarginate; stamens normally 10; styles (2)3(–5); ovary unilocular; ovules numerous; primary valves of the capsule 3, entire or 2-cleft; seeds ± reniform; low annual or perennial herbs without stipules. (Minuartia, Moehringia, Sabulina) 250, widespread
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 15 - 30
Germination temperacture (C°) 12 - 18
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Arenaria unspecified picture
Arenaria unspecified picture


Arenaria world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, Panama, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000002959
BDTFX ID 85919
INPN ID 189424
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Arenaria glochidisperma Arenaria aksayqingensis Arenaria alfacarensis Arenaria algarbiensis Arenaria alpamarcae Arenaria altorum Arenaria aphanantha Arenaria arcuatociliata Arenaria balansae Arenaria balfouriana Arenaria bertolonii Arenaria bhutanica Arenaria bisulca Arenaria bourgaei Arenaria calycina Arenaria cariensis Arenaria catamarcensis Arenaria conica Arenaria conimbricensis Arenaria controversa Arenaria cretica Arenaria dawuensis Arenaria debilis Arenaria dimorphitricha Arenaria dsharaensis Arenaria dyris Arenaria erinacea Arenaria ferruginea Arenaria foliosa Arenaria fontqueri Arenaria fragillima Arenaria fridericae Arenaria fursei Arenaria geladaindongensis Arenaria gerzensis Arenaria gionae Arenaria giraldii Arenaria gothica Arenaria gracilis Arenaria grueningiana Arenaria halacsyi Arenaria hintoniorum Arenaria hispanica Arenaria huteri Arenaria iochanensis Arenaria karakorensis Arenaria kumaonensis Arenaria kurdica Arenaria lanuginosa Arenaria latisepala Arenaria lessertiana Arenaria leucadia Arenaria leucasteria Arenaria libanotica Arenaria ligericina Arenaria littledalei Arenaria longipetiolata Arenaria lycopodioides Arenaria mairei Arenaria mattfeldii Arenaria mcneillii Arenaria melanandra Arenaria melandryiformis Arenaria melandryoides Arenaria membranisepala Arenaria merckioides Arenaria minima Arenaria minutissima Arenaria mirdamadii Arenaria modesta Arenaria monantha Arenaria monilifera Arenaria monosperma Arenaria mons-cragus Arenaria muralis Arenaria napuligera Arenaria neelgherrensis Arenaria nevadensis Arenaria nigricans Arenaria norvegica Arenaria obtusiflora Arenaria oligosperma Arenaria olloixii Arenaria omeiensis Arenaria orbicularis Arenaria orbiculata Arenaria orbignyana Arenaria oreophila Arenaria pentagyna Arenaria pseudofrigida Arenaria pseudostellaria Arenaria pungens Arenaria puranensis Arenaria pycnophylloides Arenaria redowskii Arenaria reducta Arenaria reptans Arenaria rotundifolia Arenaria salweenensis Arenaria saponarioides Arenaria saxigena Arenaria setifera Arenaria shannanensis Arenaria shennongjiaensis Arenaria szechuensis Arenaria taibaishanensis Arenaria taiwanensis Arenaria tenera Arenaria tequilana Arenaria tetragyna Arenaria tomentosa Arenaria trichophylla Arenaria uninervia Arenaria weissiana Arenaria funiculata Arenaria suffruticosa Arenaria achalensis Arenaria amdoensis Arenaria andina Arenaria angustifolia Arenaria angustifolioides Arenaria antitaurica Arenaria armerina Arenaria aucheriana Arenaria auricoma Arenaria barbata Arenaria baxoiensis Arenaria benthamii Arenaria boliviana Arenaria bomiensis Arenaria brevipetala Arenaria bryoides Arenaria bryophylla Arenaria bungei Arenaria capillipes Arenaria cerastioides Arenaria chamdoensis Arenaria chiapensis Arenaria ciliolata Arenaria cinerea Arenaria commagenae Arenaria compressa Arenaria conferta Arenaria cossoniana Arenaria crassipes Arenaria curvifolia Arenaria deflexa Arenaria delaguardiae Arenaria delavayi Arenaria densissima Arenaria edgeworthiana Arenaria eliasiana Arenaria emarginata Arenaria engleriana Arenaria euodonta Arenaria festucoides Arenaria filicaulis Arenaria filipes Arenaria fimbriata Arenaria forrestii Arenaria glanduligera Arenaria globiflora Arenaria graveolens Arenaria guicciardii Arenaria gypsostrata Arenaria haitzeshanensis Arenaria kotschyana Arenaria livermorensis Arenaria longicaulis Arenaria longipedunculata Arenaria longipes Arenaria longiseta Arenaria longistyla Arenaria ludens Arenaria ludlowii Arenaria luschanii Arenaria macrocalyx Arenaria macrosepala Arenaria mandoniana Arenaria moritziana Arenaria mukerjeeana Arenaria musciformis Arenaria nitida Arenaria nivalomontana Arenaria oresbia Arenaria pallens Arenaria paludicola Arenaria pamphylica Arenaria paramelanandra Arenaria parvifolia Arenaria pedunculosa Arenaria pleurantha Arenaria poeppigiana Arenaria pogonantha Arenaria polysperma Arenaria polytrichoides Arenaria pomelii Arenaria potaninii Arenaria provincialis Arenaria pycnophylla Arenaria qinghaiensis Arenaria quirosii Arenaria radians Arenaria ramellata Arenaria retusa Arenaria rhodantha Arenaria rivularis Arenaria roborowskii Arenaria rockii Arenaria rohrbachiana Arenaria roseiflora Arenaria runemarkii Arenaria rupestris Arenaria sabulinea Arenaria saginoides Arenaria schneideriana Arenaria sivasica Arenaria soratensis Arenaria spathulifolia Arenaria speluncarum Arenaria standleyi Arenaria stracheyi Arenaria thangoensis Arenaria tumengelaensis Arenaria venezuelana Arenaria xerophila Arenaria yulongshanensis Arenaria yunnanensis Arenaria zhongdianensis Arenaria galliformis Arenaria microstella Arenaria jussiaei Arenaria uniflora Arenaria cambodianum Arenaria edulis Arenaria jamesoniana Arenaria katoana Arenaria kourosii Arenaria ladyginii Arenaria lancangensis Arenaria peyritschii Arenaria pharensis Arenaria stuebelii Arenaria zadoiensis Arenaria tmolea Arenaria x piifontii Arenaria phitosiana Arenaria sipylea Arenaria smithiana Arenaria pulvinata Arenaria trichophora Arenaria ionandra Arenaria ischnophylla Arenaria quadridentata Arenaria dicranoides Arenaria digyna Arenaria humifusa Arenaria inconspicua Arenaria inornata Arenaria kansuensis Arenaria rhodia Arenaria hispida Arenaria biflora Arenaria ciliata Arenaria purpurascens Arenaria tetraquetra Arenaria balearica Arenaria serpyllifolia Arenaria querioides Arenaria aggregata Arenaria grandiflora Arenaria montana