Aspilia pluriseta Schweinf. ex Engl.


Angiosperms > Asterales > Asteraceae > Aspilia


Perennial herb or subshrub, with multiple branches from woody rootstock, usually trailing with distal part erect and to 50 cm high, or with many short erect stems up to 50 cm high, sometimes (?in shade?) erect and to 1.5 m high; stem scabrid. Leaves (sub-)sessile, ovate to narrowly ovate, 2-5(-8) cm long, 0.8-2(-3.5) cm wide, base rounded, subcordate or broadly cuneate, margins serrate, apex obtuse or acute, scabrid on both surfaces; 3-veined from base; petiole 0-3(-5) mm long. Capitula terminal and solitary or up to 3 together, almost sessile among the upper leaves or on stalks 0.5-6 cm long; involucre ovoid, 3-seriate, 7-12(-16) mm long; phyllaries green, scabrid-pilose, the outer often long and reflexed; paleae 7-11 mm long with caudate-acuminate apex, especially in fruit. Ray florets yellow or orange-yellow, 9-16, without styles, the ray 10-15 mm long, tube 2.3-3.2 mm long, glabrous or pilose; disc florets yellow or brownish, 4.7-9 mm long, glabrous or puberulous; anther appendages yellow. Achenes obovoid, 2.5-4.5 mm long, pubescent; pappus a lacerate cupule to 0.7 mm high and sometimes with 1-2(-5) setae to 2.5 mm long.
A herb. It can be erect or lie along the ground. The branches are 30-60 cm long. The leaves do not have stalks and the leaf blade is 4 cm long by 2.5 cm wide. There are teeth around the edge. The fruit are dry and 3.5 mm long and oval.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.5
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


It is a tropical plant. It can grow in arid places. It grows in open woodland and grassland. In Zimbabwe it grows between 1,360-1,560 m above sea level.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


The fruit are eaten as a dessert fruit.
Uses animal food food food additive material medicinal
Edible fruits leaves
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Aspilia pluriseta world distribution map, present in South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000134521
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Aspilia pluriseta Aspilia pluriseta subsp. gondensis

Lower taxons

Aspilia pluriseta subsp. pluriseta