Roots not proliferous. Stems short-creeping, mainly unbranched; scales black or with narrow pale borders, narrowly lanceolate, 1.5--3 × 0.2--0.4 mm, margins entire. Leaves monomorphic. Petiole dark reddish brown throughout, 1--4 mm; indument of black linear scales at base. Blade linear, 1-pinnate, 2.5--14 × 0.5--1.2 cm, thick (open habitat) to herbaceous (shaded, moist habitat), essentially glabrous; base somewhat tapered; apex obtuse, not rooting. Rachis reddish brown in proximal 1/2--4/5, green distally, lustrous, glabrous. Pinnae in 10--30 pairs, ovate to rhombic to ovate-oblong, 2.5--11 × 2--6 mm; base truncate to shortly acute; margins shallowly crenate (shade forms) to essentially entire (exposed forms); apex obtuse, broadly rounded. Veins free, evident to obscure. Sori 1--3 pairs per pinna on both basiscopic and acroscopic sides. Spores 64 per sporangium. 2 n = 144.