Fern with semi-erect or spreading fronds. Rhizome erect, scaly. Stipe and rachis brown on underside, green above, sparsely scaly; stipe 2–8 cm long, 0.5–1.5 mm diam. Lamina somewhat dimorphic, the sterile less divided than the fertile, ovate, usually 2-pinnate at base but rarely 1-pinnate in smallest specimens, 5–28 cm long, 2.3–15 cm wide, glossy green, thick and fleshy, sparsely scaly. Primary pinnae in 5–15 pairs, ± oblong to narrowly ovate; longest pinnae below middle, 1.2–9 cm long, 0.8–3.5 cm wide; apices acute to obtuse and toothed; bases usually divided to midrib. Secondary pinnae ovate, elliptic or obovate (or sometimes linear near the pinna apices), to 2 cm long, to 1.2 cm wide, with cuneate and shortly stalked bases, ± entire or toothed margins and blunt and toothed apices. Sori to 6 mm long. Perispores pale with fimbriate broad ridges and fenestrate lacunae; exospores 40.5–46.7 × 28.7–31.5 µm (means).