Corolla pubescent to densely appressed silky outside, salver-shaped with narrow cylindrical tube but in some species (formerly referred to Dorothea) the corolla tube is split unilaterally giving the corolla an irregular appearance; corolla lobes 5, contorted to the left, ovate to lanceolate.
Inflorescences 1–several-or occasionally ± many-flowered on very short terminal branchlets subtended by a single leaf (TAB. 75/3&4) but often lateral and pseudoaxillary owing to the sympodial growth of the stem; bracts small.
Leaves opposite, petiolate, thinly coriaceous, usually with ± transversely parallel venation; domatia absent or present and pubescent; stipules triangular, acute or acuminate, soon falling.
Trees or shrubs with branching similar to that of many Rothmannia species and characteristic evergreen foliage.
Anthers linear, elongate, apiculate, sessile, usually medifixed, included or slightly to completely exserted.
Calyx tube ovoid to cylindrical; limb-tube shortly cylindrical with 5 triangular to lanceolate teeth.
Fruit baccate, 1–several-seeded, subglobose, crowned by the persistent calyx limb.
Seeds subglobose with abundant endosperm, devoid of a testa.
Pollen grains simple.