Erect, annual or perennial herbs, branched. Verticillasters 6-flowered, secund, in axillary and terminal raceme-like inflorescences. Flowers very small. Bract minute. Calyx campanulate, 10-nerved, 5-toothed, the uppermost tooth often very broad and forming the upper lip, the 2 lateral teeth often associated with the 2 lower teeth and forming the lower lip; throat of calyx naked. Corolla tubular-campanu-late, tube short, limb 2-lipped; upper lip (in Mal. sp.) clearly 3-lobed, midlobe entire or shallowly notched; lower lip entire, auriculate at base. Stamens 4, declinate; filaments not appendiculate; anthers 2-celled. Disk equal-sided. Nutlets ovoid, compressed, smooth.