Ovary 2-locular, each locule with a pendulous placenta bearing 2 collateral ovules inserted on its inner face; style included, either at the same level as the anthers or well below them, divided into 2 papillose subulate branches.
Corolla salver-shaped, the tube slender, somewhat narrowed at the base, appressed pubescent outside, glabrous at the throat; lobes 5, narrowly oblong, contorted to the right (TAB 73/D1), appressed puberulous.
Fruits stipitate, globose or ellipsoid-globose, 2-celled, with a leathery wall, marked at the apex with evident remains of the disk and calyx lobes.
Flowers sessile in axillary fascicles; subtended by a series of bracteoles, the lowermost cupular, dimorphic (but not truly heterostylous).
Leaves paired; stipules elliptic, lanceolate or triangular, often tapering-subulate, deciduous.
Anthers sessile, included in the corolla tube, either at the throat or lower down, linear.
Trees or shrubs with much the appearance of coffeeplants.
Calyx tube campanulate with 5 rounded imbricate lobes.
Seeds 2–4 per fruit, pendulous; albumen horny.
Disk cushion-shaped.
Testa present.