Berkheya bipinnatifida (Harv.) Roessler


Angiosperms > Asterales > Asteraceae > Berkheya


Perennial (or ?biennial) erect thistle-like herb to 3 m, aromatic, with many thick unbranched roots from base of stem; stems several, branched, hollow, variably tomentose, rarely glabrous, whitish or dark brown with pale lenticels.. Leaves sessile, becoming less divided upwards, 5.2–22(–30) cm long, (0.3–)1.7–12(–18.5) cm wide; lower leaves congested forming a pseudo-rosette, lanceolate or occasionally obovate, base clasping and/or auricled with many stout marginal spines up to 7 mm long, not revolute, toothed or shallowly to deeply divided with large triangular lobes, dentate, teeth themselves toothed and spiny with pale green to yellow or brown spines (1–)4(–6) mm long, acute spinescent, occasionally obtuse or rounded (in cultivated material); upper leaves linear to lanceolate, pinnatifid, bipinnatifid or broadly triangular-lobed or toothed, lobes contiguous, each tooth with 1 or 2 secondary teeth and all spinescent with usually 2–3 smaller spines between them, deep dull green above, grey to white beneath; sparsely to densely hairy (and sometimes glandular) and occasionally sparsely arachnose above, felted beneath.. Capitula terminal and axillary in a paniculate or subcorymbose inflorescence, often congested, eradiate, urn-shaped, 1.5–2.5 cm diameter; involucre of 3–4 series of ± spreading foliaceous yellow-green phyllaries with pale strongly marked ribs and pale margins, narrowly triangular or narrowly ovate, 6–15 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, entire to sinuate-spiny, acute spinescent, ± hairy, rarely glabrescent; receptacle a shallow dome or more often ± flat, about 7 mm diameter; pits 1 mm deep with erose walls produced into scales 1–2 mm long, 0.25–0.5 mm wide.. Disc florets white or white tinged purple, 5.5–8 mm long, divided for approximately 1/2 the length into erect ± acute lobes about 3 mm long with scattered gland-tipped hairs, tube with longer hairs.. Achenes broadly turbinate, up to 3 mm long, with surface resembling maize-cob or capped honeycomb, sticky when bruised, with 6–10 prominent ribs, sparsely hairy; pappus uni-or sub-biseriate, of 17–25 oblong obovate or triangular glabrous often purple scales up to 1.5 mm long, rounded and obtuse, fimbriate or deeply erose in upper half.
Suffrutex erectus ramosus, fide collect, cr. 50-200 cm altus. Rami pilis glanduliferis minutis obtecti et ceterum leviter araneosi, rarius tomentosi, glabrescentes, foliati. Folia alterna, sessilia, semiamplexicaulia, ambitu obovata vel oblonga, basin versus angustata, saepe subpetiolata,basi ± in auriculas spinosas producta, sinuati-pinnatilobata vel-pinnatifida lobis vel laciniis ambitu anguste triangulatis vel lineari-lanceolatis leviter et remote vel evidenter dentatis vel plerumque bipinnatifida laciniis pinnatilobatis vel pinnatifidis omnibus laciniis et dentibus in spinas debiles velrigidas 1-10 mm longas productis, cr. 5-30 cm longa, 3-18 cm lata, superioribus sensim minoribus et minus divisis saepe lanceolatis et integerrimis vel paucidentatis et denique bracteiformibus, tota margine spinulis cr. 0.2-0.5 mm longis ciliata, supra pilis hyalinis glanduliferis minutis dense obtecta, in sicco scaberula vel seabra, interdum ceterum araneosa, subtus albidi-tomentosa. Capitula numerosa in inflorescentiam paniculatam vel subcorymbiformem disposita, discoidea, expansa 1-2 cm (in ssp. echinopsoide ad 4 cm) diam. Involucri squamae patentes, pauciseriatae, pilis glanduliferis minutis obtectae et ceterum interdum extus araneosae, glabrescentes, lanceolatae, 1-2(-3) mm latae, spinosi-acuminatae, margine spinis 1-2 mm longis in 2-5 iugis dispositis obsitae, mediae 5-8 mm (in ssp. echinopsoide ad 12 mm) longae, ceterae breviores. Margines alveolarum receptaculi in dentes vel setas cr. 1-1.5 mm longas productae. Achaenia 1.5-2.5 mm longa, pilis brevissimis sparsis rarius ± densis obtecta vel subglabra. Pappi squamae uniseriatae, cr. 20, oblongae vel lineari-oblongae, apice obtusae vel acutae, integer-rimae vel fimbriatae, 0.2-1.5 mm longae.
Perennial herb, 0.5-2.0 m high; stems sparingly branched; branches ascending. Leaves sessile, elliptic to oblong in outline, tapering and petiole-like, pinnatilobed to pinnatifid sometimes somewhat bipinnatifid, lobes and teeth extended into spines, margins ± spinose-denticulate, base briefly dilated and semi-amplexicaul with spiny auricles, or cordate, upper surface thinly araneose (cobwebby). Capitula homogenous and discoid, paniculately arranged, ± clustered at ends of branches. Receptacle cobwebby, with alveolae, margins paleaceous-setose. Florets many; corollas white to pale mauve. Flowering time Mar., July? Pappus of ± 20 overlapping oblong scales, obtuse or acute at apex, fimbriate. Cypselae obconic-turbinate, sparsely hispidulous.
Leaves sessile, upper cauline leaves grading into the phyllaries, the lower-and mid-cauline leaves 5–30 x 3–18 cm., elliptic to oblong in outline, tapering and petiole-like, or not narrowed towards the base, pinnatilobed to pinnatifid sometimes somewhat bipinnatifid; lobes or segments narrowly triangular or linear-lanceolate and slightly to strongly dentate or cut, the lobes and teeth extended into spines 1–10 mm. long, the margins ± spinose-denticulate; the base briefly dilated and semi-amplexicaul with spiny auricles, or cordate; leaf upper surface thinly araneose becoming ± scabridulous when dry; leaf lower surface whitish felted-tomentose.
Phyllaries mostly 8–12 x 1–2.5 mm., the outer and inner ones shorter, all narrowly lanceolate and tapering to an apical spine, margins with 2–3 stout spines 2–4 mm. long on each side, these often with secondary patent spines at their bases (therefore paired), sometimes with smaller spines between the main spines, lamina at least in inner phyllaries spinescent-ciliate about the apex and glandular-hairy outside, or araneose.
Florets numerous; corollas white, c. 10 mm. long, the limb narrowly funnel-shaped and deeply lobed; achenes 2–3 mm. long, obconic-turbinate, 8–10-ribbed, ± sparsely hispidulous; pappus of c. 20 overlapping oblong scales 0.2–1.5 mm. long, obtuse or acute at the apex, fimbriate.
Capitula homogenous and discoid, paniculately arranged, ± clustered at ends of branches, 1–2 cm. in diam.
Stems sparingly branched; branches ascending, leafy and like the stems thinly araneose at first.
Receptacular alveolae margins paleaceous-setose, equalling or exceeding the pappus in length.
A spinescent perennial herb 0.5–3 m. tall.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.5 - 2.5
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture 7-8
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Berkheya bipinnatifida world distribution map, present in South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000135115
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Berkheya bipinnatifida Berkheya bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida

Lower taxons

Berkheya bipinnatifida subsp. bipinnatifida Berkheya bipinnatifida var. cordata