Berkheya Ehrh.

Berkheya (en)


Angiosperms > Asterales > Asteraceae


Shrubby or herbaceous, often thistle-like, perennial. Leaves alternate, sometimes decurrent and stems winged, occasionally forming a pseudo-rosette, margins of wings and leaves spiny. Inflorescence solitary, racemose or subcorymbose; capitula eradiate or more usually radiate, showy; phyllaries multiseriate, usually spreading, the middle usually the longest, connate at base, ± stiff and variably spiny, spinescent, occasionally unarmed and spinescent; receptacle flat or shallowly domed, pitted, pits with scarious entire, dentate or erose walls sometimes produced into spines or scales. Ray florets sterile or absent, when present in 1 series, spreading, yellow rarely white, entire with 5–10 veins and up to 5 teeth, ray narrowing into tube in lower part; staminodes usually present; disc florets bisexual, fertile, regular, tubular, enlarged above, normally 5-partite; anthers united, bases sagittate with obtuse to acuminate tails or auricled; styles forked (undivided in sterile florets) with narrow branches rounded at apex; all florets variably hyaline-multicellular-hairy. Achenes set in pits, obovoid or more often turbinate, clearly or indistinctly ribbed, glabrous to long silky-hairy; pappus persistent, (exserted from pits), forming a usually sub-biseriate, rarely uni-or multi-seriate corona to the achene; pappus scales briefly connate at base, scarious, glabrous to hairy often dentate or erose.
Thistle-like perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs with arachnoid or woolly hairs. Leaves basal or cauline, alternate, subsessile, rarely decurrent, entire or usually dentate to pinnatisect, with spinules or long spines on conspicuously sclerified margins. Capitula radiate, solitary or in axillary or terminal panicle of corymbose clusters; involucre hemispherical, few–multiseriate; bracts herbaceous, connate at base, entire or lobed, spiny on margins and apices; receptacle almost flat, paleate. Ray florets uniseriate, neuter or absent; ligules (2–) 4-lobed. Disc florets hermaphrodite, fertile, occasionally inner ones sterile and functionally male, yellow; corolla tubular, deeply 5-lobed, the lobes with sclerified margins; anthers basally sagittate; apical anther appendages entire, obtuse; style branches linear, obtuse. Achenes obovoid or turbinate, ±distinctly ribbed, densely to sparsely sericeous or glabrous, entirely embedded in receptacle. Pappus scales uni-or biseriate, ±equal or unequal, short or long, rarely partially united.
Disk-florets hermaphrodite numerous; corollas yellow, infundibuliform, deeply 5-lobed; anther bases sagittate; style branches linear; achenes ± turbinate, ribbed, villous pubescent or glabrous; pappus ± 2-seriate, of numerous short or long scales, sometimes partly connate.
Indumentum felted-tomentose on leaf under surfaces, araneose-tomentose elsewhere, consisting of many-celled uniseriate soft hairs with extremely long filiform white apical cells, their bases tending to become rigid and persistent.
Leaves alternate, sometimes crowded on the lower stem, ± spiny, subentire to dentate, pinnatifid or pinnatisect with spinescent teeth, sometimes decurrent on the stem as spiny wings.
Receptacle with deep alveolae which totally enclose the achenes leaving only the pappus exserted; the alveolae margins entire or irregularly toothed or setose.
Phyllaries several-seriate, connate at the base, always spiny with spines sometimes slender and bristle-like.
Ray-florets uniseriate, neuter, corollas yellow sometimes white, always with staminodes, achenes wanting.
Capitula heterogamous and radiate or homogamous and discoid, solitary or subcorymbosely arranged.
Perennial herbs sometimes suffrutescent with annual stems from woody rootstocks, or subshrubs.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Berkheya unspecified picture


Berkheya world distribution map, present in Australia and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000004485
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Berkheya Crocodilodes

Lower taxons

Berkheya cirsiifolia Berkheya nivea Berkheya carlinoides Berkheya angusta Berkheya purpurea Berkheya debilis Berkheya acanthopoda Berkheya robusta Berkheya carlinopsis Berkheya carlinopsis Berkheya zeyheri Berkheya caffra Berkheya buphthalmoides Berkheya bipinnatifida Berkheya radula Berkheya milleriana Berkheya johnstoniana Berkheya echinacea Berkheya fruticosa Berkheya speciosa Berkheya subulata Berkheya insignis Berkheya griquana Berkheya spinosissima Berkheya carlinifolia Berkheya ferox Berkheya angustifolia Berkheya rigida Berkheya francisci Berkheya coddii Berkheya cuneata Berkheya barbata Berkheya heterophylla Berkheya decurrens Berkheya welwitschii Berkheya cruciata Berkheya chamaepeuce Berkheya draco Berkheya mackenii Berkheya tysonii Berkheya coriacea Berkheya rosulata Berkheya erysithales Berkheya cardopatifolia Berkheya maritima Berkheya discolor Berkheya onopordifolia Berkheya leucaugeta Berkheya pinnatifida Berkheya dregei Berkheya glabrata Berkheya latifolia Berkheya pannosa Berkheya seminivea Berkheya annectens Berkheya bergiana Berkheya densifolia Berkheya macrocephala Berkheya multijuga Berkheya radyeri Berkheya sphaerocephala Berkheya eriobasis Berkheya herbacea Berkheya armata Berkheya onobromoides Berkheya viscosa Berkheya rhapontica Berkheya spinosa Berkheya chiesiana Berkheya carduodes Berkheya montana Berkheya setifera Berkheya pauciflora Berkheya canescens Berkheya subulata Berkheya chrysanthemoides Berkheya jardineana Berkheya umbellata Berkheya angolensis Berkheya spekeana