Berkheya speciosa O.Hoffm.


Angiosperms > Asterales > Asteraceae > Berkheya


Herba perennis erecta, 15-80 cm alta, rhizomate lignoso. Caulis simplex vel in parte superiore ramosus, pilis hyalinis glanduliferis dense puberulus, ceterum Interdum leviter araneosus, foliatus. Folia alterna, basalia compluribus conferta, late lanceolata vel ovata vel late ovata vel late elliptica, (5-)10-20(-30) cm longa, (2.5-)5-10(-25)cm lata, apice rotundata vel subacuta vel acuta, basi cuneatim angustata vel rotundata vel truncata vel cordata, petiolata (in ssp. ovata saepe subsessilia) petiolo cr. 1-35 cm longo spinosi-ciliato interdum lamina in petiolum decurrente partim alato, margine plana, integerrima vel levissime repandi-sinuata, spinulis 0.5-2 mm longis basi incrassatis dense obsita, supra pilis hyalinis glanduliferis ± dense obtecta, in sicco acaberula vel scabra, subtus dense vel tenuiter albidi-tomentosa; folia caulina distantia, infimum saepe basalibus simile, sequentia cito decrescentia, sessilia, semiamplexicaulia, oblonga et denique linearia, suprema bracteiformia, cr. 10 mm longa et 1 mm lata, omnia apice acuta, in spinam 1-5 mm longam excurrentia, margine spinis ut in foliis basalibus sed longioribus (usque ad cr. 5 mm longis) ciliata, indumenta basalibus similia. Capitala solitaria vel inflorescentiam subcorymbiformem formantia, radiata, ligulis expansis (4-)5-6(-8) cm diam. Involucri squamae patentes, pilis glanduliferis puberulae, ceterum interdum leviter araneosae, lineari-subulatae, exteriores 1-1.5(-2) mm latae, sequentes paulum angustiores et denique cr. 0.5 mm latae, spinosi-acuminatae, margine spinis flexilibus usque ad cr. 8 mm longis ciliatae, mediae 12-20 mm longae, ceterae breviores. Margines alveolarum receptaculi in setas stranineas 0.5-2 mm longas productae. Achaenia cr. 1.5-2 list longa, pilis sparsisaimis et brevissimi obtecta vel glabra. Pappi squamae subbiseriatae, cr. 10+10, obovatae, basi angustatae, obtusae, ad apicem denticulatae, 1.5-2.5(-3) mm longae.
A perennial herb with a stout woody stock, flowering stem central, solitary, up to 100 cm tall, simple below, commonly forking above to bear several heads on long peduncles, pubescent, upper part of stem nude or with a few reduced leaves or bracts. Leaves few, radical or subradical, blade up to 30 x 25 cm, but often only half that size, broadly lanceolate to broadly ovate, apex acute to rounded, base cuneate, truncate or cordate, sometimes decurrent on the petiole, petiole 2-30 cm long, margins entire, repand-sinuate or coarsely toothed, subspinescent, upper surface harshly pubescent, lower persistently cobwebby or white-felted, very rarely merely glandular-pubescent. Heads up to c. 7 cm across the expanded rays. Involucral bracts linear-lanceolate, acuminate, up to 2 mm broad, tips and margins spiny, minutely glandular, sometimes cobwebby as well on the backs. Rays and disc bright yellow. Achenes c. 2 mm long, turbinate, glabrous or minutely pubescent. Pappus scales up to 3 mm long, narrowly obovate, obtuse.
Perennial herb, 0.6-1.0 m high; from woody rhizome with fusiform root tubers; stems single erect; branched above, coarsely pilose. Leaves mostly basal with 1-several smaller cauline leaves; basal leaves ascending-subrosulate, petiolate, ovate to lanceolate, apex subobtuse to rounded, margins subentire to repand-sinuate rarely dentate, irregularly spinose. Capitula radiate, solitary and terminal on branches or several clustered; involucral bracts linear-tapering, spinescent-ciliate on margins, pilose-araneose on back. Receptacle with alveolae, margins fimbriate-setose. Ray florets yellow. Disc florets many; yellow, darkly glandular at apex outside. Flowering time Aug.-Apr. Pappus 2-or 3-seriate, of narrow ± spathulate overlapping scales. Cypselae turbinate, 8-10-ribbed, glabrous or puberulous.
Leaf lamina mostly 6–30 x 3–18 cm., ovate to lanceolate, apex subobtuse to rounded, margins subentire to repand-sinuate rarely dentate, irregularly spinose with c. 2 mm. long spines interspersed with smaller marginal spines, base rounded to cordate, sometimes ± decurrent on the petiole; upper surface scattered pilose becoming rough with age; lower surface ± felted-tomentose.
Disk-florets numerous; yellow, 9–12 mm. long, darkly glandular at the apex outside; achenes c. 2 mm. long, turbinate, 8–10-ribbed, glabrous or puberulous; pappus 2–3-seriate, of narrow ± spathulate overlapping scales to c. 3 mm. long.
Phyllaries up to c. 20 mm. long, linear-tapering from a c. 2 mm. wide base to an apical spine, spinescent-ciliate on the margins with spines up to c. 11 mm. long, pilose-araneose on the back.
Petiole 2–30 cm. long, tapering-winged from the apex and spinescent sinuate-dentate, the wings reducing to setae 2–7 mm. long towards the petiole base.
Capitula radiate, solitary and terminal on the branches or several ± clustered, up to c. 7 cm. in diam. across the expanded rays.
Leaves mostly basal with 1-several smaller cauline leaves; basal leaves ascending-subrosulate, petiolate.
A perennial herb up to c. 100 cm. tall, from a woody rhizome with fusiform root tubers.
Stems annual single erect ± branched above, coarsely pilose.
Receptacular alveolae margins fimbriate-setose.
Rays yellow, mostly 15–25 x 2.5–4 mm.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.8 - 1.0
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Berkheya speciosa world distribution map, present in South Africa

Conservation status

Berkheya speciosa threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000025169
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Berkheya speciosa

Lower taxons

Berkheya speciosa subsp. speciosa Berkheya speciosa subsp. ovata