Ovary 4–5-locular, narrowly ovoid-conic, densely hairy, gradually narrowed into the style; ovules 1 per loculus, basal; stigma capitate; pistillode similar to the fertile gynoecium but much smaller and shorter, with very small vestigial ovules and lacking a stigma.
Leaves imparipinnate or 3-foliolate; rhachis terete or narrowly to broadly winged; leaflets entire to coarsely dentate; stipules intrapetiolar, papery, persistent or not.
Stamens 4–5(8); filaments densely hairy, flattened and connate at the base; anthers dorsifixed; antherodes smaller than the anthers and without pollen.
Flowers unisexual (or possibly polygamous) but with well-developed vestiges of the opposite sex, slightly zygomorphic.
Sepals 4–5, much shorter than the petals, persistent, the 2 anterior ones ± connate or completely fused.
Fruit a woody capsule opening by 4–5 thick valves, smooth to densely echinate.
Disk annular-pentagonal or unilateral forming 25 or 4 sides of a pentagon.
Petals 5, spathulate, densely hairy.
Seeds with a conspicuous waxy aril.
Inflorescence a dense raceme.
Trees or shrubs.