Small trees or erect shrubs, with yellow, bitter, fetid latex. Leaves large, mostly pinnate-lobed to pinnatifid. Flowers in large, terminal, bracteate panicles, pro-terogynous. Sepals 2, ovate to subor-bicular, caducous. Petals 0. Stamens 8-24, in 4 whorls. Ovary stipitate, ovate, compressed; style distinct, persistent; stigmas 2, patent. Ovules 1, rarely 2. Infructescenes hanging. Capsule fleshy, 1(-2)-seeded, 2-valved, mostly erect on the upcurved gynophore, the 2 valves opening from below upwards, drying up, falling off the gate-like replum from which the arillate, basifixed seed bungles freely on the short funicle (Fig. 2).