Standard rounded to broadly ovate, cucullate, slightly to markedly emarginate, with two callosities at point of attachment of the claw; wing petals obovate-falcate, shorter than the standard, with prominent auricles at the base; keel petals narrowly linear, helically coiled through several (3–4) turns.
Leaves digitately 3-foliolate, rarely 1-foliolate; stipules lanceolate to asymmetrically ovate, more or less truncate at the base, obscurely or markedly dentate, with 1–5 teeth along the outer edge.
Vexillary stamen part of the sheath or sometimes free; 5 larger anthers basifixed, alternating with 5 shorter subbasifixed anthers.
Seeds obliquely cordiform to nearly horseshoe-shaped, with a deep hilar sinus; surface smooth to verrucose; rim aril inconspicuous.
Inflorescences leaf-opposed, short, racemose, with 1–5 flowers; bracts and bracteoles linear to lanceolate, persistent.
Pods shortly stipitate, oblong-ellipsoid, often somewhat clavate, markedly inflated, glabrous, smooth, dehiscent.
Calyx 5-lobed, slightly zygomorphic, the upper pair of lobes slightly broader than the lower 3 lobes.
Ovary several-ovuled; style long, filiform, glabrous, helically coiled; stigma small and terminal.
Erect to spreading perennial herbs or small suffrutices (one species sometimes annual?).
Flowers yellow to whitish-cream or flushed with pink or purple.