Cor rotate, with elongate, acute lobes and prominent fornices; filaments prolonged beyond the base of the anther into a prominent dorsal appendage; anthers elongate, conspicuous, connivent around the style; nutlets with a swollen, stipe-like basal attachment that fits into a pit in the otherwise flattish gynobase, the attachment surrounded by a prominent thickened rim (the basal margin of the nutlet) that fits closely to the gynobase; broad-leaved, coarsely hairy herbs with blue fls in loose, terminal modified sympodial cymes, these leafy-bracteate below, the long pedicels recurved in fr. 3, Old World.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, hispid. Infl. paniculate; cymes lax, bracteate. Calyx lobed nearly to base, accrescent. Corolla tube very short; limb rotate or campanulate, usually blue, rarely pink or white; lobes acute; scales emarginate, exserted. Filaments with long appendage at apex; anthers coherent, usually well exserted, forming a cone. Style included. Nutlets ± obovoid, erect, rugose, with thickened collar and strongly concave at base.