Shrubs, scandent, ca. 1 m tall, whole plant tawny stellate, branches and leaves adaxially glabrescent. Petiole 3-9 mm, tomentose; leaf blade ovate-oblong, 3-11 X 1-4 cm, leathery, base cuneate to rounded, margin entire, apex acute and apiculate. Flowers solitary or paired. Pedicel to 9 mm. Bracteoles long petiolate, lanceolate, tawny stellate tomentose. Calyx campanulate, ca. 1 cm, 2-lipped, parted to 1/3-1/2 of length, outside tawny stellate tomentose, inside sericeous-villous, outside 10-veined; lower and upper lips 2-or 3-lobed or rarely entire. Corolla purple-red, to 2.8 cm, outside densely stellate tomentose except base of tube, somewhat bow-curved; lower lip lobes subequal; upper lip deeply parted into broadly ovate lobes. Stamens didynamous. Ovary densely stellate tomentose. Capsule ovoid-globose, ca. 1 cm, included in calyx, densely stellate tomentose. Fl. Jul-Nov.