Shrub, stems with few to many prickles, young parts rufous-tomentose, becoming glabrous. Leaves digitately compound, or occasionally simple; petiole c. 14 cm, striate, with a small basal sheath and a short, bicuspid ligule; leaflets 3-5 (or 1), petiolules c. 3 cm (laterals shorter); blade elliptic, c. 12-16 by 4-5 cm, apex long acuminate, base cuneate, midrib prominent, lateral veins widely spaced, arched-ascending, margin minutely denticulate. Inflorescence a lax gracefully pendent raceme of umbellules; rachis c. 23 cm, lateral branches c. 5 cm, subtended by small lanceolate bracts and bearing 1-2 minute bracts near the middle, terminating in spherical umbellules and occasionally with separate flowers arising below the apex; umbellules with c. 10-13 flowers, subtended by numerous minute bracts; pedicels at anthesis c. 0.5 cm elongating to c. 1.25-1.5 cm in fruit. Calyx of 5 minute teeth. Petals 5, triangular, 2.5 mm long. Stamens 2 mm long, anthers oblong. Ovary obconic, c. 2 mm high; disk fleshy, surmounted by an awl-shaped stylar column. Fruit globose, 6 mm high, with a persistent calyx rim and stylar column.