Shrub or small tree, to 15 m, with stout prickly branches, rufous-tomentose in its younger parts. Leaves palmately lobed, clustered at the ends of the shoots; petiole c. 15-32 cm, striate, sometimes with prickles, with an enlarged basal sheath and a small bicuspid ligule; blade rounded, cordate, c. 14-22 by 20-28 cm, palmately 5-7-lobed, lobes elliptic acuminate, midrib prominent and lateral veins widely spaced and arched-ascending, margin irregularly spinulose-serrate. Inflorescence a short, rufous-tomentose panicle, arising below the leaves (actually terminal but overtopped by sympodial innovations); rachis c. 4-6 cm, lateral branches ascending, c. 2-4 cm, subtended by small linear bracts and sometimes branching to the third degree; umbellules with c. 8-20 flowers; pedicels c. 1 cm long, subtended by numerous minute bracts. Calyx a minute rim with 5 indistinct teeth. Petals 5, triangular, 2½ mm long. Stamens 2 mm long, anthers oblong, 1 mm long. Ovary obconic, c. 2 mm high; disk fleshy, cushion-shaped, surmounted by a slender awl-shaped stylar column. Fruit subglobose, c. 8 mm high, with a persistent calyx-rim and stylar column.