Briza maxima L.

Big quakinggrass (en), Grande brize (fr), Grande Brize (fr), Brize élevée (fr)


Angiosperms > Poales > Poaceae > Briza


Annual loose tufts or solitary shoots, (18)-25-65-(90) cm. Leaf-sheath papery, glabrous, finely ribbed, light green, light brown or purplish. Ligule 2-4-(5) mm, glabrous, denticulate, centrally tapered. Leaf-blade (2.2)-5-23 cm × 2-8 mm, thin, flat, finely ribbed, gradually tapered to fine acicular tip, abaxially occasionally sparsely prickle-toothed on ribs, adaxially ribs usually finely scaberulous; margins finely scaberulous. Culm (12)-20-50 cm, erect or geniculate at base, internodes glabrous. Panicle (2.2)-4-13-(16) cm, secund, nodding, of 1-12, rarely to 18, papery spikelets; branches few, sparsely scabrid, pedicels filiform, 0.5-2-(3) cm. Spikelets 1-2-(2.5) × 0.6-1.5 cm, 8-15-flowered, silvery, light green to golden-brown, often dark purplish at base. Glumes subequal, 5-6-(6.6) mm, (5)-7-9-nerved, spreading, firmly membranous, concave, suborbicular, smooth, often purplish. Lemma 6.5-8.5 mm, 7-9-(11)-nerved, centrally hardened and concave, glabrous, base cordate, sometimes with minute glandular hairs especially on auricle-like extensions, and appressed fine hairs on broad, firmly membranous margins, apex subacute. Palea 3-4 mm, to ⅔ length of lemma, orbicular, keels finely winged and densely short-ciliate, interkeel glabrous. Lodicules (1)-2-3 mm, lanceolate, obtuse. Anthers 1.5-2 mm. Gynoecium: ovary c. 1 mm; stigma-styles 2 mm. Caryopsis 2.5-3 × 1.5-2 mm; embryo 0.7-1 mm; hilum linear, 1.2-1.5 mm.
Annual. Culms solitary or loosely tufted, erect or geniculate at base, 20–60 cm tall. Leaf sheaths smooth, glabrous; leaf blades thin, 4–20 cm × 3–8 mm, margins scabrid, otherwise smooth, apex acute; ligule 2–5 mm, obtuse. Panicle loose, nodding, 7–10 cm, sparingly branched with few pendant spikelets; branches inserted singly, scaberulous, sometimes with only 1 spikelet; pedicels hairlike, shorter or longer than spikelet, drooping. Spikelets ovate, ca. 1.2 × 1 cm, tinged reddish brown, florets 7–20; lower glume 5–6 mm, 5-veined, upper glume 6–7 mm, 7–9-veined, margins purple or tawny, apex broadly rounded; lemmas very broadly ovate, wider than long, lowest 7–8 mm, 7–9-veined, glabrous or appressed-pubescent; palea obovate, 1/2–2/3 length of lemma, back glabrous, keels pubescent. Anthers ca. 2 mm. 2n = 14.
Annual. Culms 18–65 cm high; mid-culm internodes hollow. Leaf blades flat, 7–19.5 cm long, 2–8 mm wide, adaxially glabrous. Panicles open, ovate, 2–7 cm long. Spikelets ovate, 10–22 mm long, with (5–) 8–15 bisexual florets; rachilla apically puberulous with clavate trichomes, with apical extension. Glumes dark brown or purplish with margins chartaceous; lower glume often broadly ovate to elliptic, 5.5–6.5 mm long, 7–9-nerved, with midnerve glabrous; upper glume obovate to elliptic, 6.25–6.5 mm long, cordate, 9 or 10-nerved, with midnerve glabrous. Basal lemma ovate, 7.5–8 mm long, entire, 9–13-nerved; nerves glabrous or pilose; intercostal regions pilose. Palea 1/2 length of lemma, 2.5–3 mm wide, truncate; nerves densely puberulous. Hilum linear.
Loosely tufted annual, 0.1-0.6(-1.0) m high; culms erect, simple or branched. Leaf blade 70-250 x 3-8 mm; ligule an unfringed membrane. Inflorescence an open panicle, appearing secund, branches single or in fascicles of 2-4; spikelets 3-12, but solitary at apices of slender branches, prettily nodding. Spikelet 8-25 x 8-15 mm, longer than wide, awnless; glumes ± equal, shorter than spikelet, green, brown or purple, 5-9-nerved. Florets 7-20, bisexual; lemma obtuse, broad, cordate at base, entire, straw-coloured, occasionally variegated with purple, sometimes minutely papillose and hairy; anther 1.0-1.5 mm long. Flowering time July-Dec. Caryopsis 2.5 x 2.0 mm.
Annual.. Culms 10–60 cm. high, loosely tufted or solitary, erect or geniculate, slender.. Leaf-blades 5–20 cm. long and 3–8 mm. wide, flat, minutely rough on the margins.. Panicles 3–10 cm. long, loose, prettily nodding, bearing up to 12 spikelets on capillary pedicels.. Spikelets 7–20-flowered, ovate to oblong, plump, 14–25 mm. long and 8–15 mm. wide, glabrous or minutely hairy, pale green, silvery, or suffused with reddish-brown or purple; lemmas 6–8 mm. long, very broad, rounded on the back, obtuse.. Fig. 19/1–12.
Loosely tufted annual, 100-600(-1000) mm high; culms erect, simple or branched. Leaf blade 70-250 x 3-8 mm. Inflorescence open, appearing secund, branches single or in fascicles of 2-4; spikelets 3-12, solitary at apices of slender branches, prettily nodding. Spikelet 8-25 x 8-15 mm, longer than wide, 7-20-flowered; glumes green, brown or purple, 5-9-nerved; lemma obtuse, straw-coloured, occasionally variegated with purple, sometimes minutely papillose and hairy; anther 1.0-1.5 mm long; caryopsis 2.5 x 2.0 mm.
Annual, loosely tufted (culms erect, simple or branched), up to 0.6 m high. Leaf blades 70-250 mm long, 3-8 mm wide. Spikelets 8-25 mm long, 8-15 mm wide. Panicle open, branches single or in fascicles of 2-4; spikelets 3-12, longer than wide, 7-20-flowered, nodding, solitary at tips of slender branches; glumes green, brown or purple, 5-9-nerved; lemmas straw-coloured, sometimes variegated with purple.
Annual; up to 0.6 m high; loosely tufted. Culms erect; simple or branched. Leaf blades 70-250 x 3-8 mm. Flowers: panicle open; branches single or in fascicles of 2-4; spikelets 3-12; longer than wide; 7-20-flowered; nodding; solitary at apices of slender branches; spikelets 8-25 x 8-15 mm; glumes green; brown or purple; 5-9-nerved; lemmas straw-coloured; sometimes variegated with purple.
Annual 2–6 dm; lvs 3–8 mm wide; ligule 2–5 mm; infl to 10 cm, secund, nodding above, with few (to 12) spikelets, these ovate, 12–20 mm, 7–20-fld; glumes 5–7 mm, 5–9-veined; lemmas 6–8 mm; 2n=14. Native of the Mediterranean region, cult. and rarely escaped in our range.
Spikelets 15-25 x 8-14 mm., 7-20-flowered, pale-green to silver-green (often especially the glumes) purplish to red-brown, broadly ovate-cordate in outline, glabrous or often shortly pilose.
Lemmas 6-7·5 mm. long, dorsally rounded, 7-9-nerved, broadly ovate, apex shortly acuminate, usually shortly pilose; the hairs tipped with glands.
Leaf-laminae 5-25 x 0·25-0·75 cm., pale-green, tapering to an acute point, usually expanded, flaccid, glabrous, scaberulous along the edges.
Glumes 5-7 mm. long, often purplish, 7-(inconspicuously 9) nerved, broadly ovate from a cordate base, apex rounded to obtusely acuminate.
An annual grass. It grows 60 cm high. The flowering stalk usually has 3-8 large spikelets. They droop at the tip.
Culms (10)20-70 cm. tall, 2-4-noded, simple, terete, slender, erect or ascending from a geniculate base, smooth.
Annual to 40 cm. Leaves linear. Spikelets 3-12 in open panicles, drooping, longer than wide, to 25 x 15 mm.
Panicles 4-10 cm. long, rather loose, with (1)3-12 Spikelets, usually pendulous; axis very slender.
Leaf-sheaths often tinged with purple, loose, striate, dorsally rounded, glabrous, smooth.
Caryopsis c. 2·5 mm. long, light brown, broadly obovate to almost circular in outline.
Pedicels up to 2 cm. long, capillary, very flexible.
Paleas with the narrow wings shortly ciliate.
Anthers 2-2·25 mm. long.
A loosely tufted annual.
Ligule 2-5 mm. long.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination anemogamy
Spread barochory
Mature width (meter) 0.1 - 0.5
Mature height (meter) 0.25 - 0.6
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 0.3
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a temperate plant. In Zimbabawe it grows between 1,600-1,710 m above sea level.
Common on disturbed and sandy areas. 
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 3-4
Soil texture -
Soil acidity 3-7
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-9


The seeds are crushed and cooked and used in porridge and bread. The young flowering spikes are eaten raw as a snack.
Uses environmental use
Edible seeds
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 10 - 20
Germination temperacture (C°) 21
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -29
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Briza maxima habit picture by Werner Rom (cc-by-sa)
Briza maxima habit picture by Uxeli (cc-by-sa)
Briza maxima habit picture by Patrice Bracquart (cc-by-sa)


Briza maxima leaf picture by nelly ducastel (cc-by-sa)
Briza maxima leaf picture by González Juan (cc-by-sa)
Briza maxima leaf picture by Joshua Blessing (cc-by-sa)


Briza maxima flower picture by Alain Camoin (cc-by-sa)
Briza maxima flower picture by Werner Rom (cc-by-sa)
Briza maxima flower picture by Gilbert ROEGEL (cc-by-sa)


Briza maxima fruit picture by François Deysson (cc-by-sa)
Briza maxima fruit picture by Marie-Elise Lescure (cc-by-sa)
Briza maxima fruit picture by Aurore Thourault (cc-by-sa)


Briza maxima world distribution map, present in Albania, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Algeria, Ecuador, Egypt, Spain, France, Micronesia (Federated States of), Georgia, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Mauritius, Malaysia, Norfolk Island, New Zealand, Pakistan, Palau, Portugal, Réunion, Russian Federation, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tunisia, Uruguay, United States of America, South Africa, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000854743
BDTFX ID 10462
INPN ID 86489
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Briza capensis Briza dalmatica Briza maxima Briza monspessulana Briza rubens Briza rubra Briza gracilescens Briza grandis Briza major Briza pulchella Briza pulchella Briza maxima f. concolor Briza maxima f. discolor Briza maxima f. rubra Briza maxima f. unicolor Macrobriza maxima Poa maxima Briza portenschlagii Briza microclada Briza montana Briza maxima var. fusca Briza maxima var. glabriflora Briza maxima var. hirsuta Briza maxima var. monspessulana Briza maxima var. pubescens Briza maxima var. rubra Briza maxima var. pubescens Briza maxima var. monspessulana